FX Track change EXT to Track 1-4

hi knob benders and button pushers …

I feel I am missing out on something… when I had my first analog (which smelled like wet zement and I sold it after 2 days) … I used the FX Track to route the sounds from my MD (which I sold, but now ordered the + drive version).

Now I wonder if I can , or have to assign different “sources” to the FX Track… my FX track says EXT … how bout telling it Track 2 where I usually have my base line …

I read the quick ref guide … but assigning p locks seem not to have any effect on FX Track …

is there anything you can do in the FX Track that you cant do in the amp env lfo of track 1-4 ?

thanks for any comments, or assuring me I am on the wrong way, or I overlooked something in the usersmanual …

…last but not least… I have a love hate relationship with my A4 ! :joy: :heart: :disappointed:

there are fx sends for each synth track in the amp section, the fx are global, so you can use the fx track to plock fx parameters (amongst other uses) - you can only plock the fx send levels on the synth tracks - the Ext settings on FX page are just for bringing in the external inputs, these can also be fed into the synth tracks pre filter in place of an oscillator - without wishing to patronise you, you really ought to read the full manual after you get a little used to the synth, and then again when you’re more familiar, and so on …

aha, okay, so the EXT in FX Track cannot be changed I assume from you answer…

what do I use the the FX Track for if I dont have an external input?

so, if my MD arrives, I should plug it into the l+r input of A4, and not the A4 into the MD?

thanks for your help again avantronica …

regarding the users manual and my dedication for it … I recommend the pdf to speech android app, which reads the instruction manual to me whilst I am in the subway or train … smart me! heheheeee

use the FX track for the internal synth voices and/or external inputs - connect your md up whichever way you like, there’ll be pros/cons to both - though more flexibility with the outs on the md to push them through the a4 !