I do love the Octa, I do not love the lack of groove on it. The swing does not swing in a musical way and there’s no way to load in groove templates. That makes this thing a very ‘white’ machine. If it had the right feel with swinged patterns, the Octa would be have much more vibe for any hiphop/black music - derived grooves, that includes hiphop, house, chillout, etc… Of course, you can get there now too, but painstakingly. And MPC gives you that ‘feel’ straight away. (Don’t tell me to buy an MPC please - I just think that Groove Templates could be a solution to make the Octa less rigid and square. )
I would like that possibility very much, to be able to load in MPC swing groove templates, or other templates - there are so many, and in Logic you can do this very easily -
Best would be if you could Slice samples at Transients, and also that the Octa could ‘read’ the groove template from a drum loop - then you could make your own templates and stick your other sounds in the original feel of the groove, instead of nuking the original feel to a german eins-zwei-drei-vier feeling… :slight_smile:

Please Elektron c’mon
Give us new os!!!

mdm… great way of describing your problem… it made me laugh allot…

I see your point… transient slicing would be very handy… and some of my roland-gear
has excellent groove-templates to funk up your stuff… works great.

To come back to that mpc-feel… I read many interviews with that rodger linn.
as far as i remember what he said: the groove on mpc isnt more then a 60%swing on things… When I tried to program that swing into my octatrack (play with the swing triggers and all that) I was able to get some funky juices flowing… but only on one-shot type samples… not in entire loops (which makes sense)

but yeah mate… i like good groove-tools… microtiming is probably your friend in this one…

We need Octa love Elecktron!