Full Backing tracks for live shows with OT

Thanks. Sounds pretty straight forward. I’ve looked at a bunch of the other stuff but think i’d end up using the ot in all kinds of other ways as well. Just need to find out i guess.

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Slots mode is a mode I´ve probably never touched nor really have had an good/useful perspective in how to use it. Makes perfect sense in using it for backing track duties. Your reply really enlightened me on that, thanks!

Am I correct in assuming that the step sequencer trigs also still responds to their respective MIDI commands as described in the MIDI appendix in the manual? Trigs 1 - 8 grouped, and 9 - 16 grouped?

Hmmm, perhaps I should power up my OT and play around with this tonight…

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Hey. Checking back in here. The simple slots mode for importing and playing backing tracks seems right and simple to begin with for me. Need to make sure that this way…when I hit each trig/sample/backing track that it’s unique tempo can be followed by my external …basically that the octatrack can still be the master clock for my moog and looper pedal. Checking to see that if in slots mode without the sequencer there isn’t something like a project tempo or something that I’m missing that might create a problem. Thanks again

That’s gonna make things less straight forward. You’ll need OT to be a different bpm for each backing track and have the OT clock be in sync with the backing track sample. I’ve not really done this kind of stuff but maybe having -

One pattern per song.
One sample per pattern (one shot trig on the first step = backing track)
Use arranger mode and set different bpm for each pattern/song.

Then in your set you just switch to different songs/tempos via the arranger. Or you could have the set play all the way through automatically.

I’ve never used arranger tho so someone else will have to confirm if this is a good way to do what you want :wink:

If you’re only playing guitar at shows tho I’d seriously consider simplifying. You can get a boss rc300 and have

-backing track on loop 1.
-Moog pre-sampled on loop 2 (or on backing track).
-live loops/improv etc on loop 3.

I have an OT and an rc 300 and this is definitely what I’d do. Way less hassle for carrying around, syncing, setting up at gigs etc. Instead of moog + OT + looper + cables etc you could just turn up with the rc 300. I’ve used mine this way for backing tracks + live improv loops on tours before. Rock solid. And everything can be done with foot with zero fuss…

Yeah all the songs will be diff tempos and the whole thing I want to do is interact…have my synth and looper pedal in time…as simple as possible. Again I know there are other purpose built things out there but with just a very basic investigation the octa wld be amazing for things I know I’m not even thinking about yet. If I spend even half the price for something to just handle bking tracks I feel like i’d be missing out moving forward. Just trying figure out if it’s possible that my first requirement…simple backing track playback with midi sync to a moog and looper pedal is possible for a sets worth of material.

Yeah maybe I need to start simple and tackle the octatrack down the line. I know myself and simple is always better for me. I’m slow :slight_smile: Thanks for all your input Callofthevoid

I’d say find a store that has a good/long returns policy (or buy used). Order an OT at a time when you can commit a good amount of hours every day to learning it/experimenting for a week or two. Read the manual front to back and merlins guide in advance of receiving the OT. See how you get on with it.

You should be able to set it up for your initial ‘backing tracks for shows’ requirement within an evening or 2. Then spend the rest of the evaluation period checking everything else out and weigh up if it’s something that’ll be worth the time/money, if it’s something you think you’ll enjoy digging deeper in to and if it’s the best option for your workflow/live setup. I’d never sell mine but I had a pretty solid idea of what I would do with it even before I bought one. You seem to want it without really being sure why :wink: Seems like it might just be an unnesseccary over-complication/expense. Obvs only you can decide that tho so get your hands on one and see how it goes. Amazing machine, hopefully you’ll enjoy it and it fits with what you’re doing as best thing for the job :slight_smile: