Free - Custom DigiPRO Wave pack!

Here’s a set of custom DigiPRO single cycle waveforms for the Elektron Monomachine (or for whatever else you want to use them for). Meticulously created by MarsMelons HQ in the wonderful Audio-Term application.

Sound demo - playing a sustained A1 note while scrolling through the waves in the Monomachine;


To load them into your Monomachine;

  1. Download and unzip the waveform-file
  2. Download and install C6 from
  3. Open C6, click “configure” and make sure you set the MIDI Out port of your MIDI device
  4. Connect a MIDI-cable from the MIDI Out port of your MIDI-device to the MIDI-IN port of the Monomachine
  5. Click “Load” in C6, and load all of the waveforms that you unzipped earlier
  6. Highlight all the waveforms in C6 and click the “DigiPro”-button inside C6 (this will convert the .wav files to .syx)
  7. Fire up your Monomachine. Click Function+Global, choose whichever slot you like, scroll down to “File”, select “DigiPro MGR”, select “Receive” and finally select “Org” – the Monomachine will blink “Waiting”.
  8. Highlight all the files in C6 and click “Send”.
  9. The Monomachine should now be receiving the .syx files, wait until the 64th file has been received, click Yes (or No, I can’t quite remember) when this is done, the Monomachine will then show a bar loading the waves.
  10. That’s it. New sounds to play with.
    Please note – do this at your own risk. It should work perfectly fine however, so no reason to worry.

Updated. :slight_smile:

Thanks so much … very generous of you.

Thank you! Downloading now.

My pleasure to give something back to this community, finally! :slight_smile: Hope you make good use of them, I sure have had a lot of fun mixing around with them over the last couple of days.

hi great mars melons,

thanks in advance for your waves but mine receive digipro gives me a message of incorrect length,
someone have a suggestion?

Very strange. Did you convert the files to DigiPro files in C6? I’ve never seen that error before, even when trying to load considerably longer samples. These wave files have been exported directly from Audio-Term as single cycle waveform files, so they should definitely work, and indeed they do on my Mono.

thanks mars

but I have several problems with receiving sysex files…I hope it is a problem of midi device … I do not use the midi interface mt1 but a tc electronic impact twin …

Ok, that might be your problem. I once had a very cheap MIDI-device that fucked up pretty much every file I sent to and from my Machinedrum. Swapped it for a proper one, and have no troubles now. Get a decent MIDI-device, it’s definitely worth it, and doesn’t have to cost too much. :slight_smile:

I haven’t had any issues with any of my midi interfaces (via audio interface etc). I’ve had this one, and have had no issue.

thanks for your interest I hope that a dedicated MIDI interface can help me

These are lovely thanks. :slight_smile:

can i use these if i dont have the +drive ? only mk ii here …

Re-visited this thread by chance now, so sorry for the late reply. But yes, you can use them without the + Drive. :slight_smile:

Link times out. Could you re-up a download link?

Hey bro, im not sure if he’s going to see your message or if he has access to those waveforms anymore-

But there’s always AdventureKid waveforms if you need some! :slightly_smiling_face:

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always check the internet archive