Found a workflow I like - suggest hardware?

I bought a Nord Drum 2 the other day. Since I already have an iPad, it seemed like a good choice. I can make use of the Nord Beat app (which is incredibly easy to use and adjust to) and I like the expandability (either with a Nord Pad or by adding individual triggers in the future to create an e-drum kit with the ND2 as the brain).


Experiencing the inspiring workflow of the iPad/ND2 setup has really opened my eyes to what I enjoy when creating music. I still like the tactile feel of hardware and not having to constantly look at a computer screen or move a mouse for every little change feels so good. I enjoy being able to quickly do programming on the iPad but then switching to the ND2 itself to affect the actual sounds. I also really like the step-sequencer of the NB app.

It’s made me rethink my approach of gathering individual hardware pieces (MPD, nanoKONTROL, etc) and has me looking at a more comprehensive solution. I’d still like to use Ableton as part of my workflow but I’m looking at options such as Maschine MKII, Push, or even an Octatrack to give me that hands-on hardware feel.

(I looked at the MPC Renascence but was strongly deterred by both the sales person and online complaints)

Going on my above statements, what would you suggest I look for in terms of a controller?

Mpc element is cheap, lightweight, and gives you a good pad controller if you don’t want to spend a lot.
Comes with a light version of the Mpc software for slicing and dicing, arranging - you can prob use to complement Ableton.

Also plugs into iPad and interfaces to the new impc pro app

If you wanna spend more and are committed to ableton then Push is a no brainer - you can also interface it to other hardware via the computer/midi bay.