Focusrite Scarlett Users?

I think I blew this damn thing using my BS2.

Any others have problems?

I had the 6I6, thinking I may need a change.

My old PC that was mainly for Reason, my Virus, Alesis, Novation is a PCI card by EMU. Don’t know if I should try it or not.

I can exchange this for another or grab a better one…

Any thoughts or suggestions.

i have the 2i4 focusrite scarlet.

in another thread in this forum another user said he was using, i think it was roland ext usb soundcard, because his card would adjust the incoming levels automatically , which is quite handy I think,

also my focusrite doesnt work without the pc being powered on … dont know if I would go for that option again …

other than this, i have no static, no noise, pretty happy with my ext usb soundcard (PC)

I had a 18i6 for years, never had any trouble with it. It lacked outputs though so now I have a motu 828mk3. One thing I noticed that it has a lot more headroom to work with. You can turn it up way louder, balance quiet/hot signals better etc. Outputs are used for external FX.

Well I picked up another. My guy at Sam Ash gave me their (Focusrite) direct line for support.

I have some credit at another and I’m realizing some of my gear has Audio Out for each channel…

Got me looking at some 4 bus mixers like the Allen & Heath which come with Audio Interface.

Is anybody using a multi channel mixer w/ audio interface?

Looking for no less than 12 Channels, no more than 22/24.

There is a selection but I’m hearing A/H are only 18 bit :frowning:

Anybody using an actual mixer with interface for sound?
A/H, Behringer, Mackie, Yamaha?

Oh yeah, wanted to say “I’m really enjoying your fresh music and collabs!”

you can go broke going down the rabbit hole of high-end interfaces/mixers… tube pres blah blah

My suggestion would be to grab an Apollo Twin Duo + a mackie VLZ mixer to start (you could always keep them for live performance/mobile recording down the road), or if you’ve got money to burn buy an Apollo Quad + focusrite 18i20 and you will have plenty of I/O and high quality pres.

I would opt to get a mixer without an audio interface, and stick to one of the newer mackie joints with onyx pres. 16 channels of that + a proper audio interface and you should be good to go without compromising flexibility.

Oh yeah, wanted to say “I’m really enjoying your fresh music and collabs!”[/quote]
huh ? hmmm. charming, yet I am suspicious… do you know me from weekly beats? … have we touched knobs yet in another dimension?
thanks for the compliments …

You know from going thru the MAudio Keyboard ASIo thing years ago you’re right.

I was on the phone with Mackie today and got some feedback that told me just to wait.

6in and midi I/O should be good enough to start.

I swear I did this 10 years ago, just didn’t post so many topics online.

*I’ve had issues with keboards have inteface, Eyefinity/Nvidia etc etc.

Need to just let it flow, learn all the midi channels and work from there.

I’m sure everybody has had “hardware/software fever” at some point.

Thanks for all the feedback folks.

TrabanT: you should double-check that the Scarlett can’t be put in standalone mode. All the Focusrite interfaces I’ve used in the past had this option.

hey Accent … I checked, dont think it can do standalone, it is powered via usb … didnt find any info on the internet that confirms your thought … beep beep boom