Just thought I would share my findings. This took a ton of research and measuring. Oddysey has a Flight case that can hold up to 4 Elektron Machines. Product number FZPIDDJSX. Interior demensions, 27"W 16.5" H. Right angle cables are needed to stack the machines vertically. I also removed the square padding in the upper left to make room and I cut it in half and I used it to space the machines vertically from each other. Horizontal width could be expanded another inch or so by cutting out padding if you really need more space for another type of machine. Also, you can turn the whole case 90 degrees and I think you can stack 4 machines Vertically using the case sideways if you wanted. 3 machines for sure. Odyssey also has the case in black(FZPIDDJSXBL) and they also have one with a glide style shelf(FZGSPIDDJSX) which would be handy for all kinds of things like a keyboard or computer or KP3 or various loose gear. It took a while of comparing measurements and options. This is the best product I could find. I noticed that there just wasn’t any standard cases for Elektron, at least of durable gigging proof quality. I really wanted something I could open up and start playing as soon as possible. I didn’t get the glide style although I wish I did. Instead I am going to get Oddysey’s folding Laptop stand and clamp it onto the back of the case so my Keyboard will sit about 14" over my gear. So that’s an option without using the glide style. Glide style does add about 11 pounds. Hope this helps people. It looks great. The lid also doubles as a 6" riser for all those short folding tables giving us bad performance posture. I think this should be the standard go-to case for anybody with more than one Elektron. I’m really pleased with it. Any bigger and it would be too luggish, Any smaller and they wouldn’t fit. Don’t forget the right angle cables. I bought mine to arrive around the same time my case did. Also 1’ right angle patch cables were just enough to get from one machine to the other and you can find them pretty cheap. I think I got 6 patch cables for less than $7. Same for two right angle midi cables. Oh yea, Odyssey also has this model in their Flight FX series(FFXGSPIDDJSX). Flight FX cases light up on the back side via LED. Simple yet fun lighting addition to the setup. I’ve had a few fairly large Oddysey cases and racks for most of my life. They make excellent products. My opinion, their black(BL) cases look super good w/ Elektron gear. I might even paint my midi controller black to match the sleekness. Hope this helps someone. I searched for days and I’m happy with my choice. Looks good with Elektron. Feels right.