hey, this probably should be filed under requested features and it may have been addressed already but my search didn’t show anything relevant so. …
in the manual, under ‘The Audio Editor’ it says ::: “After creating the slice grid a prompt will appear asking “ALIGN MARKERS TO ZERO-CROSSES?”. If [ENTER/YES] is pressed the slices in the grid will be adjusted to the nearest zero amplitude crossings.”
well that works all fine if you’re samples happen to have equal length but what if the slices need to be of different lengths? Say a file full of 808 samples. Well then things get tricky and I find myself, every time, manually adjusting the start and end points of my samples. Its actually an almost useless feature that is such a tease. . Don’t get me wrong, I love my octatrack but the Electribe slays the octa w this as its slice ‘grid’ isn’t so rigid as to find the zero-crosses closest to a rigid equilateral grid point.
so, my request, unless someone can clarify this for me, would be that the ‘Slice Grid’ would be less of a grid and perhaps have a better sense of where the user friendly zero point actually is. As I mentioned, the Electribe can do it. . and of course ableton does this with its warp markers.
I think you are misunderstanding how sample chains work. You are talking about sample chains right? Maybe I am misunderstanding you though.
You create a wav file with 16 808 hits evenly spaced one hit per bar. The samples of course are of different lengths but they are spaced evenly. Then you just create a 16 slice grid. You know have 16 single 808 hits sliced and ready to be sequenced.
For me the most convenient is to prepare my sample chains in Ableton, not in the OT. Of course you then have to use another soft to prepare your samples but it´s way more comfortable than with the OT´s tiny screen.
The reason I point it out Nedavine is because if you have a rim shot vs a long 808 kick and you have everything spaced out evenly then you just end up using a lot of unnecessary disk space. Or am I wrong? If I didn’t manually have to make my slices I would be stoked
The reason I point it out Nedavine is because if you have a rim shot vs a long 808 kick and you have everything spaced out evenly then you just end up using a lot of unnecessary disk space. Or am I wrong? If I didn’t manually have to make my slices I would be stoked[/quote]
It’s not that much of a biggy to be honest (in my experience) there is a function 'snap to zero markers facilitated by holding down shift and then scrolling through the sample. So providing you’ve been careful about the samples you import chopping to equal sections and then adjusting using this functionality is sufficient for me at least.
I’m not a producer who heavily chops up breaks though, so I suppose that would alter the situation a bit. Personally the (limited) simplicity of the audio editor is one of the + points of the Octatrack for me. The limitations inspire me. It’s nowhere near as complex as say the ‘slice to midi’ functionality of Ableton for example.
The reason I point it out Nedavine is because if you have a rim shot vs a long 808 kick and you have everything spaced out evenly then you just end up using a lot of unnecessary disk space. Or am I wrong? If I didn’t manually have to make my slices I would be stoked[/quote]
If you are on OSX someone built a nice little utility called trimpad. This will make sample chains and space them fairly efficiently so that you don’t have too much extra space.
Is space really a concern? Compact Flash cards are just getting bigger and cheaper. I don’t really worry about the sample space in chains, much easier to save space in other ways such as converting Stereo to Mono.
yea I like the limitations too but with this I am thinking more of a user functionality instead of having to go through multiple steps achieve something that seems fairly simple.
I was more concerned with internal memory space. Maybe I should just stick to having my sample chains on the Flash Card instead of in the machine itself.