FL Studio VS. OB 2.0

Hey guuys!
i know that we’re not getting full DT support just yet but…
i have been patiently waiting for OB to enable me to record different tracks on my DT :slight_smile: and was eager to install the 2.0 beta to test it out!
im currently using FL studio as my DAW of choice and im having some troubles getting the sound set up properly :slight_smile:
if i use asio4all ( and all the other asio drivers i have installed ) and set the inputs to the digitone, there is only 2 inputs, (and sound coming thru either of them ) and if i use the digitone interface i cant get any sound to play on my speakers.
i looked around a bit and saw the .dll files and tried opening the DT file as a vst plugin but got error messages.

Im sure ( i hope ) im just stupid and that there is a setting i missed or something

Hope you can help a brother out! :slight_smile:

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Make sure that the DT is set to overbridge mode in the device settings.

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It’s working pretty well after some of pc tweaks for me. Install the beta 6 DT firmware with the transfer tool (c6 for DN - not available yet but its got the beta firmware too) go to settings - usb settings like Adam said and enable ob mode. Make sure that the ob is running in the system tray - make sure you do the ob engine options and set your latency - might have to play with it to get clean sound over usb - then I’ll point you here - https://www.elektronauts.com/t/digitakt-ob-2-0-beta-fl-studio-20-1-1-build-795/73375 I’ve put some time in to get it to where its at. People are complaining about stuff but the tuning really is on our side sometimes. I found out a whole lot when I dove into the OB beta. i’m kinda stoked on it and its only going to get better. I just hope I can limp by on my PC for a little longer. Its kinda long in the tooth.