Fixing a Recording End Click is *So Easy*

it’s really, really so incredibly easy.

and only now am i doing this sensible practise.

scenario: recording a few bass lines from a se02 analogue bass synth. it is being sequenced by the Octatrack but anyway that is not so relevant.

the thing about analogue synths is that they often have some tail to the completion of a note.

so, if there is a 16th note on the penultimate 16th note of a 4 bar sequence, and the Octatrack samples that … well, it may well so happen there is a subtle click at the end of the 4 bar audio file capture, even if the FOUT setting on Rec2 is set to 0.063.

previously i was trying to do volume automation in Ableton when realtime recording bass tracks to the Octatrack. and that did work to avoid a click in the recording, but i did not need to do that.

current practise of fixing a click:

make the recording. Yay it’s gold!

open Audio Editor

go to Edit screen

scroll all the way to the end with the Level rotary.

then scroll back slightly.

then us the top right rotary to adjust the End Position of the selection.
zoom in as required with the lower right rotary.

Double keypress Function Yes to preview the selected audio.

cool, now the completing snippet of the audio file is selected and previewed.

Double Keypress Function Bank and select from the menu that shows, “Fade Out Selection”.

There, too easy.

Then in the File Menu simply select Save and Assign Sample … give it a name or a new name or save over the current version of the sample if itself has already been saved to disk.

things to watch for when doing to the rotary selections:

scrolling left with the Level rotary will move the End Pos in relation to its movement so if that happens, just re-scroll the End Pos (top right rotary) to the right again so the end of the file is selected.

it’s easy to forget to let go of the Function key when previewing the last selected snippet of audio and finessing the selection; if this happens, the selection goes back to the start of the file, a somewhat disorienting experience, but no worries just go reselect the last quarter second of audio again.

the Fade Out Selection might not completely remove the click. If so, rinse and repeat. As in, apply the Fade Out Selection again. Hurrah, no more click sound in the file. It’s possible to do this before saving the file.

Hmm. This seems to be a huge amount of writing for what essentially is a very easy and straight forward procedure of fixing a click at the end of an audio file.

Anyway it’s highly worthwhile dealing with these clicks as they appear, due to the fact that even though they are not very noticeable at low volumes, at high volumes they do become obvious and interfere with the flow of the groove.