First opinion

So I have had the beast since 11 am. Faking to work most of the time, I got about 5 hours in so far today.

It is Lush!

It is the inverse of the Analog 4. I.E. you have a great drum machine which you can play leads,pads, and atmos. in with out another device.

Some small quirks which halt me from time to time:
Forget to switch to a different voice.
Not jibing with chromatic yet.
Think too much like an A4 user.
running into trig vs after touch on the pads.

I have a lot of gear which I will now be putting into mothballs.

I got the TB and TR recently and they are fun for a jam. the AR+A4+OT is the trinity without compromise!

The AR is my first Elektron product so I’m struggling a little to get into the interface. However, the sounds I’ve been getting so far are well over expectations. I’m totally absorbed by the machine, an instant love affair.

I only got to spend less than an hour with it today but I’m totally digging it. Fantastic sound and coming from the A4 I found it very easy to figure out and enjoy. Just might be the most fun and immediate elektron to date. Looking forward to really digging in tomorrow.

I’ve played for an hour or so, and first impressions are very good, I’m loving how easy it is to get bass out of it, how easy it is to get weird with the filters,; I’m coming from an A4, and I’m slightly confused with the layout of function keys, kit and sound menus etc. I’m sure I will get used to it once I’ve spent a bit of time with it.

I’m interested in knowing how everyone’s getting on with kick drum mixed with bass.

Also, if anyone is using a sub sin (or similar) on bass? Will it do that kind of thing?

^^Yes you can get various synth tones out of the Rytm using the different engines available so far. For example snare can produce really cool bass tones and rimshot can make high frequency tones. There is A LOT to explore!

After fiddling around various different OSs + engines and seeing this beast growing into shape - I can say that it has come a long way and its current sound is just BEYOND! It has become more than just a drum machine, a dirty groove box … I really dig the creepy, noisy, lofi tones you can get from this unit.

Enjoy it people! :slight_smile:

I want this so hard

@ void…“so hard”…hmmm :zonked:

hows your gf feel about that?.. :kiss:

thought the vernacular was ‘so bad’… :joy:

but yeah I’d like to try one soon… :wink:

One might say “He hardly wants this!” … oh, the English language… :confused:

I’m hope they expand even more bass synth sounds you can get out this , I also see this can be more than just a drum machine for all styles.

First impression was it was hard to make anything sound good to start with, I thought everything was sounding a little muddy through the headphones, I have the soundmagic hp100’s , tried through my monitors seemed alot better today
Another thing i have lost all the factory samples and projects, not sure what happened there :confused:
Will there be any videos on how to use this, tips and tricks basics etc, this is my first elektron machine need some help :slight_smile:

"Another thing i have lost all the factory samples and projects, not sure what happened there

Could you have changed to a blank +drive snapshot by mistake?

I have old genelic monitors and sennheiser hd650 sorry no muddled sounds here!

Bass is the name of this beast!

Yeah sounding great here too. I found it pretty easy to make nice sounds. The mute/solo controls are way cool. My wife even likes it. :slight_smile:

it is 5 year old proof too! son made a nice un quantized beat last night.

^ :+1: Nice.

I just got chromatic mode working. By default all the tracks are set to use the sample only. I had to into Sound Settings and enable it for the synth voice. You can have either or both.

that actually means the opposite of what i think you think you typed :wink:
he tried hard != he hardly tried

“I want you so hardly babe”

Thanks, found them again

Probably my headphones might have more extended bass than the hd650’s, but mine have a little recessed midrange, but bright top end though
The bass out of the rytm is awesome, makes my headphones rattle lol
I’m still getting my head round it at the moment though lots to tweak and learn

Voids place after a night of AR action :slight_smile: