Hell o, I thought octatrack could be my first elektron, Im looking something for creating stunning acid, dark techno, whatever, and then perform it and transition it live, I dont have much experience in sampling neither in producing full songs, Im only jamming a few patterns with my electribe Sx and my volca bass and keys and have thought about octa as an addition to perform live, I hear its hard to learn and that scares me a bit off, so… What you think I would be Able to do with octatrack sided with electribe and copule of volcas… Or maybe im stuck with the RYTM too,mi cant decide much between those too, im a little more tempted about the octa but rytm pulls me a bit too. so please express your self and give me a hand. Cheers hugs thanks
you could use the OT as a master MIDI clock (using i.e. a quadra thru midi splitter) and MIDI sequence all three (OT gets you shuffle on the volca beats, for example). Audio from the three boxes could be mixed in the OT. (IN: 2x mono for the volcas, 1 stereo for the ESX)…
i’m currently using it like this for playing live - with the three volcas and a TR-8.
Can you help me decide between RYTM and OCTATRACK ???
If you have no experience with sampling, and if you don’t have a clear plan on how to use the OT for your music, then you’re probably better of getting a RYTM first and maybe an A4 later.
The OT is not hard to master, but it is more complex and less immediate than the analog boxes.
Please note that this advice is at least somewhat based on my assumptions about the kids of music you want to make so YMMV.
Can you help me decide between RYTM and OCTATRACK ???
Are you on repeat?
No im sorry I was lagged and it replied twice… I need to learn something that I can drop a full Live performance with it, kinda dynamic not boring, Will I be Able to make some perfomances with the rytm? I want to make something very acid and futuristic kinda jeff mills ambient and plastikman… People usually Tells me Octatrack is the worst less musical and less interface organization user friendly… Or they tell me octatrack is the best piece they have and they are in love with it… Im confused now, since im from argentina and the customs here are strict now I have to decide almost quick because my cousin is traveling to usa next week and he can bring me something…
In that case, you won’t be able to get a rytm next week… So get an OT or A4.
You are right, when is that rytm going to be avaiable? im so afraid of getting octa but i want it at the same time. Do I need a lot of external hardware to really enjoy the octa? Or with just loading samples from computer do crazy work…
What u think i would be Able to do with my electribe Sx along with the octatrack? I havent had my Sx for too long so im just starting to “fill” it. Or what you think i may be lackiing on my current setup (volca bass keys and sx)
for me it’s a no-brainer, even though the A4 is my favourite, i’d say that the Octatrack offers more potential in a broader sense and it is incredibly flexible, yet you can keep it simple, i don’t think there’s any chance of using the rytm or a4 in as comprehensive a way - the real things for me that make the A4 (and rytm i bet) a bit special is that they are exceptional at what they do (and how you do it) and they have a finesse about the sound, they’re good performers and studio class, the ot is all about performance imho - the OT takes more effort but it is far more flexible - i think the A4 makes more sense than the rytm in your scenario too as it can do everything well, bass/lead/pad/percussion, just not so much of it and less than OT, without a rytm it’s hard to truly tell, but i think it makes sense, the OT is better with other gear and of course you need to be into making content - just an opinion
Hi Keto,
An Octatrack alone isn’t a bad idea at all, you can feed it whatever you want and this device will morph into anything you want. Drum machine, sequencer, synth, sampler, fx box and many other things. Then carry it live !
It can be frustrating at first, but with some time and dedication, it will be rewarding. The Octatrack will shape your own style.
That sounds sweet, i hear a lot of People talk very bad stuff about octa and Other People talk divine about it. Im intersted to know how i would be Able to integrate my electribe Sx with octatrack due that both are samplers. ( my Sx doesnt have a lot of my own samples) but maybe i was thinking of using it as a resampler for octatrack for one shots to add dynamics and then back to ot) any way show you think i would integrate it with ot
Hi Keto,
I got the Octatrack a couple of days ago. It’s the 1st hardware sequencer/sampler I’ve ever used and I have to admit my experience with music production in general is still very limited.
It is accompanied by a Waldorf Pulse 2 and soon I’ll add the A4. I was at first intimidated by all the stuff I’d read about the Octatrack and it’s complexity and the first night of fiddling with it was really frustrating. However, I’m quite surprised by how quickly I’ve been able to wrap my head around the basics by focusing on one topic at a time and using the tutorials on YT.
Especially using my Pulse 2 with it is a lot more fun and it seems a lot more straightforward than using it with Live, but maybe that’s just me.
What I’m trying to say is I feel I’ve already covered a lot of ground despite not being a natural with these things and I’d definitely get one again given the choice.
Hope that helps,
No matter which of the devices you purchase there is a cool period of time when you explore, try things, learn things, find nice sounds, morph nicer sounds, build rhythms and become a master of the device. None of the machines are difficult to learn. The machines are very good and have a lot of depth in them. In a short period of time, say 4 or 5 sessions on the machine, you will have some cool stuff going and you take it from there. Once you learn one machine the others are easy. I have an Octatrack arriving tomorrow and I’ll pair it with a MachineDrum and MonoMachine. It took me no time at all to learn the MachineDrum (and I could speculate the Rytm would be easy to learn). I’m still exploring the MonoMachine because there are so many cool sounds on it but essentially its a similar way of working. The Octatrack will not be that hard to learn. Basically get a few samples in it and you’ll learn it in no time. I need an Octatrack to drop sampled heavily effected vocal sounds onto my drums and my synth to make tracks. So think about what you have already and see what you need to make the complete track - drums, synth, vocals/sounds should do it. The advantage of the Octatrack is that you can record long loops/sets and then jam over the top with the other machines - good for live performance.
The Octatrack is THE futuristic techno creation machine. At first It can be a little frustrating and not so immediate, but once you begin to learn and experiment it will help you create things you never dreamt possible.
Go with the Octatrack because it will give you faster results across different styles and you can work set on different CF cards and keep things clean and neat. the other benefit is that you can control other devices from the OT in a nice clean way.
Keep keep expressing your thoughts, and thank you all who are answering my doubts, also do you know someone Who has an used one for sell?
Also I,ve been told that I could use octatrack as a mixer (which i dont have)… How do u see it as a mixer for make some headroom in the mix of my sounds and Other machines…
Octatrack is the Stairway to Musical Heaven !
I dont have much gear to run through it, just the Sx and 2 volcas . Also I still think that the rytm sounds great for my taste, but I need, want, something that I can prepare ( or not ) for a live perfomance ( at least for my first ones ) since i dont have much musical knowledge to play in key and live sample myself, and neither in producing, so at first (maybe) I have to prepare them a bit. Please continúe telling the truth about ur feel on this instrument