Filter knob confusion

Hey guys,
Just got a new heat mkii, loving the sound. Definetely hear the analog. Im just confused. What are the shapes under the knob that says filter? Trying to learn the heat better. Thanks :blush:

The manual says



You’ll see these symbols a lot, on synths and such.
View each line as the frequency spectrum travelling from left to right with bass frequencies at the left and treble to the right.
The line which starts off straight then slopes steeply down is the steep low pass, in this case it’s 12 dB, then the similar symbol with the shallower slope is the 6 dB low pass, these are your typical low end, rumbling, synth filters.
Straight up and straight down is band pass, the one you can freely move along all frequencies as you sweep left to right.
Shallow slope up to a straight line is the shallow high pass, which is 6 dB in this case and the steeper version is the 12 dB high pass for isolating the top end.
the bikini line symbol is notch which is like the bandpass in reverse but whereas the bandpass boosts frequencies the notch filter attenuates them.
The last is a peak filter.

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Thanks, Phil!

gigerbone, this explanation was so helpful. I can’t thank you enough for this… Would you be interested in a skype session?

Hey, Daniel, glad those descriptions were helpful, though I ran out of time on the peaking filter.
I don’t really get time for skyping at the moment, that was the first opportunity I’d had to participate on the forum in ages, but if you would like elaboration or have further questions please feel free to ask and I’ll get to it when I can.