File Management Tips for Model:Samples

@bibenu , @craig

So I downloaded some free samples. Put them in a new folder on my M:S. Created a new project. Used the samples in that new project. Saved the project. Then I used Transfer to upload the used samples on my PC. Then I deleted them in the folder on my M:S. After that I copied the samples back from my PC to the M:S to a different folder.

And drumroll it works. My project is still working even though the samples are now in an other folder.

Still kinda scared to do it with all the other ones …


I think I remember when I tried that before I finished up with a working project, but when I checked each track to see what sample file was connected, the filename was not shown in reverse like you’d expect. Or maybe that was when I had the same sample loaded twice in different directories. I’m not sure. Anyway, have a poke around with that to make sure you’re happy with what transfer has done.

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@bibenu Not sure I understand what you mean with reversed as expected?

I checked the files they are shown with correct name and in the new folder. Seems to work.

So in theory I should be able to transfer all of my samples to my PC rearrange them in new folders … retransfer em back and would still be able to play my projects as saved before the change.

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This is what I meant by reversed

Instead of

Okay! Interesting. It didn´t do that… for the moment.

But other problems occurred.
If you habe 5 Folders and each of em contains snare.wav and you put them in one snare folder since every file has the same name windows is not happy at all.
But each file is different but Windows just goes by filename…

You can give each of those snares a different name before copying into the shared folder I think ? You should be able to rename the files without causing a problem for M:S/Transfer. They match on the files content (effectively), not the name.

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Ahhh nice! Didn´t think about that.

Okay … I´ll try this again on a quite weekend when my nerves cool down a little.
Will be a lot of work to reorder my samples. But I think it´ll help my workflow.

Atm performing is limiting because while jamming I have to jump between folders and try to remember where that special ambience / pad thing is I downloaded…

Even scrolling through kicks is a nightmare!

Yeah, I haven’t honestly got fully to grips with that yet … I mean, the optimal way to organise samples into folders.

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Thx for the help again =)

So I checked all of my projects with the new filearrangement and it seems to work. Actually a really nice feature. Have structured all my kicks snares hats claps percussive stuff in singel folders. Then I have some ambient / pad folders and so on.

Scrolling through sounds is now a breeze!


Similar thing going on here. I’ve hit a couple of snags.

  • some of my folders are brain numbingly enormous, so I’m adding ‘best’ and ‘the rest’ folders within those (it varies a bit but thats the general idea) so that stuff I want to get to often is not buried in a folder with more than, about, 15 other samples. So for example I might have ‘Kicks’ folder with 15 best samples in it and ‘Kicks_’ with the rest.
  • Of course if everything is organised that way, setting up a new song/project might take ages, so I’m also making ‘Kits’ folders, with subfolders of 6 or more samples that are meant to go together, and can be loaded as a folder’

I can relate to that …

Would be so much easier if we had a “fav” button to mark most loved samples.

A neat feature would a Autofav be. You could ask the machine to put the most used samples out of all projects in one folder and then you could manually sort them.

But as of now, knowing how I can sort samples on my PC without destroying projects on my M:S it will be a bit easier.

Even now just jammin for some minutes having all kicks / all snares etc. makes the workflow so much faster.

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