Help me.
I have still working and mapping to reason the very first Novation Remote49.
It’s Great but other than easy access to midi channels, it may not be up to date with everyhting.
I had been using this in Reason 3 & 4 before I took my little break.
I now purchased Reason 7 with the the Arturia Mini Lab.
AH Ha moment, no MIDI I/O or thru…
So here will be my setup by the end of the month.
Bass Station II
Either Prophet 8 or Mopho 4
Which is the best midi nerve and or sequencer?
I was bummed to find out that My Tempest doesn’t sync external midi and sequence, but it is a 4 poly synth and can filter external audio.
I’m trying to piece all these together.
Do I need a separate midi controller for Reason or will one on my list work?
While I’m trying to get more into the Analog and less in the PC, I still love my Reason.
April 10, 2014, 9:44pm
I really like my qunexus for ext. midi kb (and cv)…as far as sequencing, I happen to love my OT for that…which I realize isn’t always an option for people.
I’m guessing OT is Oktatrack?
I’ve noticed Elektron brand model A4 and Oktatrack are hard to come by.
I guess my questions are.
What can I use to control tempest BS2 and itself (if Oktatrack?) And also control my DAW which is Reason.
Not necessarily looking for a usb midi mixer, more into a keyboard.
I can live with this Arturia I have. It says it universal but just usb.
Anybody use something like a Be ringer 4 bus midi usb mixer for recording and DAW?
April 11, 2014, 12:28am
Any midi keyboard.
MPC for sequencing.
April 11, 2014, 12:59am
OT=Octatrack …sorry about that
if you only need a midi keyboard check out the qunexus, I think it is probably the most feature packed small ext. kb for midi and cv
Awesome sauce#
I’ve taken a sparkle and the minilab back and was saying “I’ll be dawned if I buy another Arturia”
I don’t know if it’s the login on their website or trying to register on two different computers that bugged me the most
You have answered my question with the Keith McMillan sequencer.
I can find a smaller keyboard should my trusty old Novation fail.
Thanks for the lead!