edit; feel free to tell my why I’m incredibly stupid 
For example, connect a bass mono synth via CV, and use it as another voice of polyphony, for a total of five.
It would be nice if you could route it a number of ways, like
[li]using multi-map mode (left side is CV synth, right is analog keys)[/li]
[li]whichever is lowest is CV[/li]
[li]whichever comes first[/li]
I wonder if you could link up with another poly synth and get 8 voices of polyphony… that would be sweet
No answer for you because I have asked the same before and my question was ignored regarding CV being inclusive with poly of AK or my A4 for that matter.
Also, I very much want to be able to link or call it “poly chain” my A4 to an AK for 8 voices or other configurations in addition. I know midi is not exactly ‘full featured’ in that there’s no midi note out to play other synths at same time, however, with the AK and A4 now having ‘multi-map mode’ and the AK having a dedicated midi controller button, it sure would seem one could in-fact at least switch over and ‘PLAY’ a connected A4 with the AK, just cannot use the sequencer on AK to affect the A4. Looks like a limitation that Elektron could easily ‘unlock’ but I am not willing to drop $1800. just to find out but am certainly holding onto y A4 in the event they do remove this restriction. It’s just midi after all and would more than likely sell more A4 and AK’s.