sticky keys woudl be great for using key combinations
sticky keys woudl be great for using key combinations
Do you mean buttons that stay pressed after finger release?
i’d use the masking-tape instead of waiting for a hardware mod…
i imagined he meant more along the lines of what happens when you press the Bank button ! Handy if you’re one handed, but not an issue for me wrt reach
For me it’d be useful for adjusting the main volume with one hand, like on normal gear. Glad to see they didn’t repeat that wacky decision on newer products.
They should invert the action.
Volume knob for Main Level
Funct+TrkLev for headphones
yeah, like on osx when i can press command and then c
being able to use footswitch for function for all elektron instruments
They should invert the action.
Volume knob for Main Level
Funct+TrkLev for headphones[/quote]
AFAIK, the volume encoder is hard wired to the headphone amp.
The main thing I want sticky keys for is constructing scenes.
when holding down either the scene a/b buttons copy/paste work without holding function, just saying in case you were trying to pull that off!
not sure if you meant within a part or getting them outside, which is a drag…i’d love a scene pool or something to move individual ones between parts/banks/patterns…
so what is the excact midi message to send for pushing the function knob?
I want to use a midifoot controller for this on all my elektron boxes