Ok, let’s pick up the idea to highlight feature requests with individual threads. I found there’s a lot of resonance on that issue:
Individual Time Signatures per Track in Advanced Mode
Even after the last glorious update and all that polyphony madness I found, that after a couple of weeks I miss that feature the most. It would open a completely new world of composing tracks to me (in combination with the arp) and btw. I always thought the A4 had that feature when I bought it, as the OT already got this implemented and honestly compared to any DAW sequencer it’s pretty basic. Especially since we’re limited to 4 bar patterns or pattern chains for now.
I’m also a bit worried how long I have to wait for that to be included in a new update and if it will come at all. I guess there will be no official statements on OS feature prioritization, but if there are a lot of people as desperately in need for that as me, maybe we can get some statement from Jon on if and when we could expect this to come.
Also what are your workarounds at the moment to get longer tonal progressions out of the A4? I tend to turn down the master-clock divider to a very slow setting and use the ARP to compensate for the lost 16th notes on the grid. But programming gets very unintuitive that way and you loose all the comfort of locking notes with the keyboard. Also doing triplets can be tedious that way too as you have to keep track of the note trigs for the arp to be on the matching steps.