Feature request - additional portamento options

Hi to all!
Two days owning Analog Four. It’s a great module, that fits 98% to my current needs. Especially I love the allocable polyphony, should be unique feature. Also I loved to find out that voice assign “reassign” logic is exactly the same as I programmed myself making firmware for one polyphonic eurorack MIDI2CV module. This means that people can use these modules in parallel, building complex polyphonic patches.

There are also 2% to improve in my opinion, and this is the portamento support in monophonic mode.
It would be very nice to have additional kit/sound parameter:
Option to apply glided pitch change to VCF tracking

Portamento on the A4 is as far as i can tell a first order dynamic slew processor. Perhaps its even implemented analog. However, its constant time portamento, no matter the pitch interval. Non of the things you mention seem to be the case on A4 actually. And what do you mean by a linear portamento? The slew peocessor being a linear system? It clearly generates exponential curves as you can easily see from a logarithmic FFT plot. What you thought you were hearing was just wrong. How does fixed time and constant slew rate at the same time work anyway? :smiley:

This looks very stupid. I have tried to listen slew character again and also tried to tweak SLI parameter of the OSC2.
I was wrong, it is logarithmic and totally cool! I don’t know why it seemed to be linear at first look. Thanks.

But filter issue remains. The “smoothened” CV do not apply to filter, instead direct version goes, so when I’m trying to play tuned self-ocillating filter, I get little wrong results.

I complained about this also and, though it may yield interesting results, a classic whistle sound with protamento is indeed difficult to obtain (needs parameter locked LFOs/Envs on cutoff to simulate protamento, but this workaround does the job). No workaround exists for live keyboard play though.

I also dream of this feature

Cutoff-keytracking with consideration of portamento and pitchbend is very pleasant to hear when playing mono leads/bassline with high resonance

(a lot of other analog synths have this functionnality)

Maybe in a future update ? :slight_smile:

About the same subject:


Is there a way to play with portamento in polyphonic?