Favorite pedals

So yesterday I bought my first analog delay a memory boy. I’m digging it.
and have decided I need a vast pedal board As of now I only have the memory boy and a moogerfooger phaser. I’ve been watching demos of certain ones I find curious (EHX super ego, Earthquaker Rainbow machine, TC hall of Fame…) problem is it’s all guitar heroes on the youtube putting these pedal through the paces and it’s hard to tell how they might sound with a synth running through them.
So just curious what you guys favor/have experience with, in the guitar pedal meets synth world?

I have the EHX super ego. It’s pretty cool with guitar, but sounds pretty similar whatever input you run through it. Kinda a one trick pony, but it’s a good trick. Haven’t tried the others, Rainbow Machine seems a bit gimmicky without much range.

Neunaber Stereo Wet and EHX Memory Man.

Not exactly a pedal. But i absolutely love the BugBrand PTDelay that someone on this forum recommended me recently.


This looks really interesting. And from a small Bristol independent!

This looks really interesting. And from a small Bristol independent![/quote]
Yes it does! Can’t believe I haven’t stumbled upon this before! Love the feed back mute button too

Eventide Space is kind of wow, then Strymon Timeline… Also, I love these old DOD distortion pedals for FSU/noise purposes. Actually I use some pedals as synth, i.e. feeding the signal back into EHX Flanger Hoax or Jomox T-Resonator.

El Capistan

I’ve got the El Capistan and I haven’t really clicked with it. It sounds good but not enjoying the interaction, finding it hard to be creative with.

Eventide space has been on my wish list a long time, strymon timeline is on there too…have other stuff to get first though.

MXR Carbon Copy (analogue delay)
Danelectro Spring King (spring reverb)
EHX 2880 (multitrack looper)
A handmade valve overdrive pedal

Posted this before but EHX cathedral is probably my fave pedal.

mmm butter!

MXR- Carbon Copy

smais, I found it helpful to label the secondary knob functions on the pedal. Those are some of the most “creative” settings. Also it took a while to get used to how the tape head modes differ and know which one I wanted.

Thanks I’m definitely gonna do that. I think the secondary functions are what’s been confusing me. I can never remember how they were set because of the dual purpose knobs. Is there a reset for them? That would be useful.

I love fuzz…

My favorite pedals at the moment are the big muff, MXR BC108 silicon fuzz, TMK and the echobase analog delay pedal. I used to experiment a bit with building my own, here’s some demos I did of DIY pedals:

one more…

Why can’t we post 3 videos in one post?

any videos of your fav. fuzz pedal?