Favorite DAW and why?

Ableton because

Audio warping
Clip launching
Max for live devices
Easy to use live

during lockdowns I started to work with Bitwig, enjoyed it a lot, most arguments posted here by others.
I never got use to the waveform display.
Bitwig eq+ is much easier for me than Ableton eq8. donā€™t know why, I guess itā€™s small details in the interface?
in the end I donā€™t make use of the modulation system as much as expected.
form me one of the best and hardest moments coming from Ableton was that clips can be viewed horizontally and vertically.

Never stopped working with Ableton and in the last months it became my main DAW again. didnā€™t renew my Bitwig subscription, itā€™s not cheap, as main DAW okā€¦
I canā€™t buy the experience I have with Ableton over so many years.

because of subscriptions, I would be really curious to know about the user base of a company like Bitwig? how many people worldwide use a program like Bitwig or Ableton?

Live has been mine for many years.

My secret has been to only upgrade on odd numbers - 5, then 7, then 9, now 11. Saves money that way. Canā€™t wait to see what Live 13 has up its sleeveā€™s.

I also got BitWig solely because my brain likes to learn new things because of plasticity and all that.

I started out with ProTracker about 30 years ago, then switched to ScreamTracker and Impulse Tracker on DOS, and ModPlug Tracker and Buzz on Windows. I farted around in Ableton for a while, because the sampling workflow seemed kinda familiar. Never liked the sequencing part of it though. And then I discovered Renoise and stuck to it ever since, just because of the immediacy and familiarity of the tracker workflow.
For recording hardware and mixing/ā€œmasteringā€ I love Reaper. Itā€™s the most stable DAW Iā€™ve ever used and the extensions as well as the routing options are amazing. Using plugins that output MIDI is sooooo much easier than doing the same in Ableton.

FL and Live.

FL because I love the nonlinear flow and the pattern based approach. Also Iā€™ve been using it for 20 years which makes me efficient on it.

Live when I mockup an idea, with a touchpad itā€™s really nice to build up tracks. But the absence of patterns (i.e. clips that, when modified, will propagate their modifications to all other instances in arrangement and session view) is a real bummer.



it works for me since 1.0
nice UI, nice workflow, always new features and a lot of modulation.

  • Hardware integration is kind of perfect for me


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Ableton, cus I know it the best basically. Most DAWā€™s have simliar features so I canā€™t really be bothered to change now. Altho I like to dabble with other workflows, such as trackers or Reaktor/VCVRack.

I also like the minimalism of Ableton.

My uncle taught me an early version of Cubase when I was little so itā€™s always had a place in my heart. Mostly used Logic in school and college classes, so using it feels too much like schoolwork!

Got a copy of the first version of Live Lite thrown in with my first midi controller when I was a teenager, and it was the first software that made me fall in love the computer as an instrument (rather than as a way to record other instruments). Stuck with it ever since, recently got into M4L and am falling in love with it again. Been meaning to try Bitwig, but I guess at this point in my life I prefer making music to learning software.

That said, since I got this touchbar MBP I havenā€™t been able to get Ableton to record external audio without glitching so Iā€™ve been using Garageband for recording my hardware boxes. Maybe itā€™s my ears playing tricks, but its sound quality seems really crisp andā€¦ lush(?) compared to Live.

Switched into using Cubase about 4 or 5 years ago and it just clicks with my head, feels natural for me. No reason for me to change into anything else, as Iā€™m just nowadays so efficient working in it, be it with hardware or software or both.
Sometimes I also sketch my tracks in Maschine and on iPad itā€™s Drambo and Cubasis all the way.

Being a trackerhead, I started with screamtracker and impulse tracker.
Renoise is the logical step after that.
Maschine is my go-to tool, when I want some kind of piano rol.

I tried and used Ableton and Bitwig, good tools but not for me.
My mind thinks in patterns :slight_smile:


Worked well in Reaper. One of the reasons I switched from Logic (before ditching the PC altogether and switching to the iPad).


The Deluge, because I hate computers! :smiley:

Ableton because I love the integration with Push, and the factory effects.

Studio One. For so many reasons: really well designed UI, which is customisable, workflow features like scratchpad for sketching ideas, being able to easily adjust multiple events at the same time, duplicating clips is easy, arrangement tools and makers, super flexible and storeable effects chains, separate listen bus, decent built in instruments and effects, stable and efficient etc etc etc.

I used Reason from V2.5-7 before switching and never looked back. Iā€™ve tried out pretty much every DAW there is, including some of the more esoteric ones, and I always come back to Studio One. Bitwig is a close second though.


Bitwig for me. Midi fighter twist, launchpad x with drivenbymoss scripts (that guyā€™s great) and a touchscreen laptop. Alls good. It was the sampler in Bitwig that enticed me to go with Bitwig instead of Ableton. For synth stuff, the Grid is really good. Quality sounding oscs n filters. It looks pretty too! Modulation, modulationā€¦


Abelton Live, because I really enjoy waiting for my DAW to start up and Windows* crashing.


  • donā€™t start on this with your ā€œAppleā€ nonsense.
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