Fast skipping through Sound Presets?

Is there a faster way, to skip through the sound bank presets. I think, the usual way is a little to much time consuming. I don´t wanna do every time: function+sound, select the new preset and when there already existing trigs in the sequencer, i can not hear the new sound with it, untill i push YES and go automatically out of the sound preset menu. i wanna skip very fast through the sound bank and hear the new sound, triggering with my existing sequence, with out going out off the sound menu.

greets, jakob from germany

I don’t think so, but you can play the keyboard to hear the selected sound on the sound select page. Also you can use the right and left arrows to skip pages.

thx, i know. I think the most unconfterble is, that the analog4 always drops me off the sound menu, when i chose a sound and i have to press four buttons again. that goes much faster in the mashinedrum and octatrack.

I too think this is a very counter intuitive way of previewing a sound as well.

It helps a little if you press [Func] + {Yes] instead of just [Yes] – then the sound selection menu stays open.

thx for your help

Hope new update will make choose/listen to presets more creative. It will help me to stay in my creating flow.