I’ve been wanting to buy an Octatrack for quite some time but they’re never in stock… will there be any soon?
Also, will the OS ever get any more updates perhaps to answer some of the quirks & feature requests that can be found readily on this forum? After all, your website states “Enjoy continuous OS updates” but to date the OT has only seen 9 updates (not including bug fix beta updates)
I’d love to buy one, but ideally I’d like a yes to both these questions.
Maybe, I’m just wondering if that’s it or if there’s more to come. If that’s it then 18 months of updates isn’t really ‘continuous’.
Believe, I really would like to buy one but reading some of the threads on this forum make me wonder if this machine will ever live up to it’s full potential.
Depends. The first OS was 0.98. 1.0 wasn’t until the 2nd or 3rd release and looping functionality (which is heavily advertised in every ad/promo/writeup for the OT) didn’t appear until the 6th release (1.21b).
So, I’d say they’ve really had 3 updates since all the core functionality was present (which normally defines 1.0 for most people/vendors).
I agree. I don’t care about bug or sofware updates, i deal with them if i need to. Stock is out on Elektron website, but you should check on a local or webstore.
The OT does what it does well. If you want it to be able to fully customize every aspect of it then you should use a DAW for what you need. The OT is a powerful robust machine as it is
That’s what worries me… BUT… I managed to find one 2nd hand this week so am now the owner of this mythical beast. I’ll report back in on my findings.
Thanks all.
IMHO the octatrack does perfectly well some unique things, other simple things are horribly enoying. This all depends in your setup and what use you want it for.
I bought my OT to avoid a laptop/soundcard on stage, play a complex and long set with huge amounts of audio stems, external synths, multi-FX, no latency…
No problem since OS 1.01
In the other hand, when I tried to use the machine to compose entire tracks, live looping, I run in to trouble and very basic limitations. I just don´t see it as a device to compose entire tracks in, but as a powerfull and essential toolbox that complements with other pieces of gear.