Fake cyclic timestretch methods

In my continued quest to try to get some type of cyclic timestretch on the OT, I ran into this video:
(1) Digitakt can TIME STRETCH & BEAT SLICE just like vintage samplers - YouTube

This is the same way you would fake a timestretch in a tracker, and it seems to work quite well in the Digitakt.
Since the parameters are not exactly the same, I did what I could on my OT to try to get this result, and I managed, copying as many of the LFO settings as available, to get it working, but I also get some insufferable clicking when the LFO traverses the sample start position.

I am guessing here the DT is doing some magic with that “phase” setting on the LFO that I can’t find on the OT or maybe every time the LFO triggers it applies the envelope? I dunno, but the clicking is furious on the OT.

Has anyone done a fake cyclic timestretch method that sounds alright? I remember someone mentioning something about sliding steps with p-locks on the sample start, but I could not get this to work.

I use an lfo on start, inverted saw (/), SYNC TRIG mode, depth 64.

Trigs on all steps, trig counts eventually.
Used here :

Hmm I tried trigs on all steps but it didn’t do what I wanted. Are you using retiggering?
This sounds pretty good!

Yes, Trig Counts in the Microtiming menu.

I used it here too, changing slots, still in sync with lfo :
Octatrack OS 1.40 - Slots Control - YouTube

I also tried this method on Digitakt and Rytm.

I cannot get this to work without it clicking furiously. Any other ideas?

adjust the attack envelope a little ?

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Yes, I think it can help for tempo variations, but many times, the end of the slice is the culprit, hense a HOLD / RELease setting needed.

At first, set ATK to 1 can help.
HOLD value is in steps. You can set it as the value of sample length minus 1 or more, and adjust RELease.

Usually I simply use default AMP settings to avoid clicks if I want to play a sample at OG tempo, and I use this method for mangling purposes, not timestretch. And defenitely use AMP settings.

For better regular timestretch results without clicks, I’d simply use timestretch mode!
(If pitch is pretty matched to tempo variation, the timestretch has less artifacts)

Maybe the clicking issue is coming from using stereo samples? With mono samples, as in Digitakt, there is less chance to get clicks.