preface: this will definitely be one of the more embarrassing posts on a forum in internet history.
i’ve long romanticized over the thought of getting into synths. i’ve spent countless days and nights scouring various electronic music instrument forums reading things that i’d need an interpreter for to understand and drooling over gear i’d have no idea how to use. i come from a guitar background and have no issues admitting i’m a downright idiot when it comes to anything synth-related.
now that that’s out of the way…
last summer i kept badgering a close friend about my desire to get into electronic music production, not expecting anything more than an empathetic “cool, bro”. he also comes from a guitar background so is used to my discussing gear with him (i’m a pedal fanatic). i’d mentioned the elektron name to him. anyways, a few days after mentioning the brand to him he randomly shows up to my place and gifts me an elektron analog four. i’m not kidding.
i was, am, and always will be extremely grateful for this amazing gift, but after a few sittings with it throughout the year- all of which ended in me getting agitated at my own incompetence and inability to get a basic groove going- i still have absolutely no idea how to wrap my head around the a4…
it’s become very evident that this isn’t a toy and is in fact for long time, very well-versed, synth users (read: geniuses).
why’ve i turned to you lot?
simple: i’m hoping you can, in layman terms, explain the basics of this beautiful box to me. i’d like to at least have the most fundamental understanding of the a4 so i can start creating some minimal tracks. assume you’re teaching a ten year old who’s just seen a synth for the first time; that’s how little knowledge i’ve got on the subject- no knowledge.
i can’t even seem to do an os update (which i’d also appreciate help with!)- i’m just that dumb.
anyways, i know nobody owes me anything on here, but i’d sincerely appreciate any help. my mate always asks to hear some stuff i’ve done with the a4, but i just don’t haven’t enough heart to tell the man the situation! i do want to learn synthesis- and the a4- more than anything, but after so much time spent fetishizing over all this gear, i can’t seem to graduate past turning the thing on (okay, not giving myself enough credit here- i can scroll through and load kits and sounds; wee!).
thank you all kindly and go easy on me, i’ve a weak ego