Extreme Sampling In A Post-Apocalyptic Playground


Ain’t that Richard Devine???

Yep, texted on top-left in 0:56 & mention it in 12:20 :wink:

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I replied without watching the full video. So, yes he gets mentioned.
Nice video, though. Very interesting to bring a real physical system to self oscilation. I wonder if he collected any samples at all or got lost? :rofl:


Recording them looks like a lot of fun
I just would be too lazy to edit them :slight_smile:

Haha, Extreme Sampling. :joy:

“Will they capture the recordings or perish trying? Find out next week on the next episode of EXTREME SAMPLING!”
-only on Elektronauts, viewer discretion advised


Sadly, I’ve done this many times. Just with far less sophisticated gear

Do not be sad, gear is only gear, and that’s the beauty of it !

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