External Midi from Ableton Drum Rack not recorded


setup is as following:
Ableton Drum Rack with 8 external instruments, each on a seperate midi channel to control the 8 Digitakt tracks.
I have a midi file playing notes corresponding to the drum rack pads I assigned
A separate Midi Channel with the Digitakt VST loaded to send the midi over to the DT and playback the audio.

It is playing the 8 channels on the Digitakt perfectly fine but when I start live recording on the DT to record the incoming midi to the trigs, it doesn’t record anything.
I have receive notes/ cc/nprn activated

What am I doing wrong or is this not suppose to work this way?

Even though the DT will play whatever notes come through each track’s assigned MIDI channel, it uses the AUTO channel to live record MIDI data for whatever track is currently selected. It’s odd, and in your use case annoying, because for you to record your drum rack this way, you’d have to go through it track by track and change each corresponding part in your Drum Rack to hit the AUTO channel.

There is an alternative, which is that the DT also always lets you play and record its tracks using the first 8 notes starting from C0, regardless of the current track selected. So if you can assign each of your Drum Rack parts to send the right note (like, your kick is on track 1, have the kick in Ableton send C0, snare on 2, send C#0, etc) then it should record the way you want it to.

Hi! You seem knowledgable… Im using Digitakt and overbridge with ableton. When I try to draw a midi sequence in digitakt vst midi channel within the piano roll, the only track it lets me draw is track 1. How can I draw in the midi notes that correspond to all of the other Digitkt tracks to record a sequence???
sorry if off topic, this is driving me crazy. thanks

Ah, finally got it… create new midi track amd direct it to the digitakt… :stuck_out_tongue: