External inputs low level


Trying to play with external inputs, I find that the sound level of your external gear is much lower when you go thru OSCs (WAV paramaters) than when you go thru the FX Track ExtIn parameter. I’m sure the answer is somewhere in the forum but don’t find it. Any explanation / Tips / Advice?


Hi Rank31,

when you go through the externel inputs it’s louder because it’s stereo(only if they’re panning correctly) and it’s not effecting the signal through any filters. When you go through the osc’s on one track it’s mono, even if you set osc one to “R”(right) and osc two to “L” (left). If you wanna have stereo through the osc’s you have to set on track1 osc1 to “L”(left) and on track2 the osc1 to “R”(right). Ah, and don’t forget to pan track 1 all the way to the left and track2 to the right in the amp section.



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Thank you Janosch. So I have to use 2 tracks / 4 to have a appropriate level of sound.

Oopss… just another question.

Is it the same case with MnM ? Will I have to use 2 tracks/6 to have the same external sound level than internal ones ?

jep, and if you want to hear it effected by filters and fx in stereo. Otherwise, if you using only 1 of the 4 tracks you’ll not be able to listen it in stereo…it’s a doubbled monoput with a phasing issue when you set osc 1 and osc 2 to “L” and “R” on a single track. That’s something i just figure it out last night. Or there’s another way to do it i still don’t know, maybe?!

hm, i don’t know anything about the functions on this machine, sorry :frowning: I’m the a4 type…

Just wanted to say that to me, it looks like anything going in my A4 gets lowered in volume (using ext in, not osc stuff) , anyone else have this too ?
Not liking this behaviour but it may be just my unit.

same here, i have to amplify the track in the daw

edit; geez, two years later :laughing:

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