External audio into A4 MKII thru OB into DAW?


If I have run an analog synth into the external audio inputs of the A4 MKII; it is possible to route the audio thru OB into Studio One 4? Or do I need to use the analog outs (1-4 or main)?

I have tried to find the answer in the manuals of OB and A4MKII. On page 28-29 in the OB manual it the state that:
Use the input routing functionality if you want to route audio (from, for example, a regular software plugin or an external instrument jacked into your DAW) through a voice on your Overbridge device, for example, to treat the audio to some analog processing. This functionality is sometimes called Sidechain input routing.


You should be able to select “input L R” from the overbridge plugin instrument straight into the input of a new stereo audio (has to be stereo because studio one is stupid) track and the record it to your hearts content.

I don’t know how this works in Studio One, but in Logic the OB Plugin provides a few tracks, the last of which is the external input. Just turn up the levels and it should work.

Thanks guys, will try this out in the weekend:)