I apologize in advance as I know this questions been answered before, but I can’t find the thread.
I have my OT’s midi out to A4’s in sending clock and transport and prog change. from the thru of the A4 I’m sending clock to my Mopho and from that thru sending clock to my minibrute
I want to route my minibrute’s out back to the OT and use the MB’s keys to play the A4.
Is this doable. or do I need a merge box?
Have you tried it? If so, what happened?
This thread may be helpful to you, or not: http://www.elektronauts.com/t/ext-midi-kb-ot-master-a4-slave/2473/20360/page:1#20360
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great! thank you
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hmm, i’m sure i read around launch time it couldn’t be used as a midi controller, the manual says different, intriguing - so what if anything are the drawbacks, i’m sure there was one, wrt the midi mode (i’m happy with and all over the synth side )- it says it’s polyphonic, does it produce vel and are pitch/mod sent out - it’d make a nice ctrlr/extension to A4 and i’d written it off on account of also thinking i’d need another midi controller ? only being able to easily access 1 midi channel (w/o pc) would be a pain for me