Explain OT to a future elektron product owner please

So wondering why these are so hard to find right now?

Can someone beef me up to buy one?

Should I make this my first Elektron purchase if I’m running 3 other non Elektron analogs?

Sell this to a future elektron owner.
what are the main features to integrate into an existing studio, synth and daw setup.

Where are the review links? Not the elektron website.

is google really that hard to use? Simply typing in elektron octatrack reviews yields a lot of non-Elektron website reviews.

download the manual from the Elektron site

decide if you need a straight sampler in your setup or if you need something that does more.

if you still want to buy one, there’s eBay and the For Sale forum here that have people selling OTs. Again - a couple iminutes with google yields a lot of Octatracks for sale around the world.

Geesh, I thought the Tempest threads were bad.

Why did I waste 6 yrs in college? So I could ask stupid questions and get stupid answers.

I thought you were trying to be funny but in the end you failed.

Believe me oldgearguy, I have lost sleep over the huge investment I am making for myself and my friends.

Luckily that 6 years can afford me some cool gear.

So I actually got more knowledge and “must have OT” quotes over on the Tempest threads.

From what I have read and heard, OT is the 1 thing in the center of everyone’s fun and sequencing. It out performs any midi sequencers on the higher end that “only sequence” and that learning the menues and live manipulation of samples “can’t get any better”

Thanks for telling me something I didn’t already know and not ripping me a new unbalanced input :wink:

I feel so welcome here.

they are hard to find because…not quite sure…we know that elektron isn’t a massive company so there can be production issues

they released the AK and announced AR (I imagine those are in production or gearing up for it)

I’m thinking it put a strain on their production chain…but that’s just a guess.

as far as the OT, I think you won’t find another piece of gear like it…amazing sequencer/sampler…it can be a bit daunting to get a handle on for some at first but the time put in pays off in the end

you may want to check out the OT Science Lab threads on the old elektron-users forum…there was actually a recent OT Science Lab done here (check that one first)…that will give you an idea of just how versatile the OT is in regards to music creation

there are people that get completely away from a computer putting an OT in the mix

to sum up…if you want a phenomenal sampler/sequencer (and/or to mangle and create sound/music)…the OT is probably right up your alley

it’s probably my favorite piece of hardware…so maybe I’m biased

That’s what everyone was saying over in the tempest threads.
I’ve canceled my tempest order. I ordered from a good friend at guitar center too, he got me a nice price on a NIB unit. My friend told me that Elektron has moved to the US and that Guitar Center isn’t on their Vendor list. Could this be? Could this be while stock has reached near zero?

I hope I didn’t tell a story just now. I’m new and don’t know the brand.

I’m working on a barter with vintage vendor right now, wish me luck. He has an 808 w/ midi I\O. I know I know.

After canceling the Tempest Order our team budget is 6400 right now.

Trust me I’ve spent at least 72 hours in the last 2 weeks plastered to my phone and computer.

Our main thing will be Miami Bass, Electro, breakbeat and trap. Having that 808 is a must at any expense. Look out for some rolling bass at 128+ but that’s such a purist and niche corner in history having an 808 instead of red rum or Dr Rex and there will be a huge differences.

Thank the Lord I have a ton of collectible shit for ebay.

If this 808 falls through, think I will exchange tempest for the AK. Next will be Oktatrack

I think the 808 is played out. The money they’re fetching is way too much for such a limited and overused piece of kit. I think you’ll regret not getting the Tempest. Tempest + Octatrack is such an amazing combination.

The Octatrack adds the ability to real-time sample, slice, mangle, manipulate your Tempest beats. Plus it adds the effects the Tempest lacks.

For your standard fare drum machine sounds, to me you can’t justify spending 10x what an AIRA TR-8 costs for something that sounds maybe 10-20% better.

You could get a TR-8, or a Tanzbar, or an Acidlab Miami and still get the Tempest / OT combo. That will offer so much more variety and satisfaction than blowing your wad on a “real deal” 808.

Get used to it. There are a lot of amateurs in here with big attitudes. Some think that because they use Elektron instruments they automatically are great producers or remixers. WRONG. And some think that because they have been ‘hobbying’ for so long that automatically qualifies them to be good at their hobby. WRONG AGAIN. I can’t fucking staaaaannnnd ass-kissers! As God is my witness, those guys would get knocked the fuck out if they just looked me or my boys the wrong way. We can spot fake clowns anywhere and I can certainly fucking HEAR them. I respect and admire those individuals who work hard to be great-because ‘good’ doesn’t mean fuck all in the music business. I mean, if your idea of success is posting some weak sauce on Soundcloud and waiting for the comments to roll in-then have fun! Some of us however are actually making money and don’t give a shhhiiiiiit about positing dittys to impress our friends. I love my friends and they know that, but it wasn’t them I wanted to impress when I was still working my way in the business. And it’s funny when these ‘hobbyists’ think they know what’s really going on. They have no fucking idea what’s really going on. I remember one of these jerkoffs not believing me when I said I own an Accelerator and a Tempest. Next post was. ‘Pics or it didn’t happen’. I wish I wouldn’t have, but I did take pics of both instruments still in their boxes. I did that, and what does some jerkoff respond with? Oh yeah, some comment about the rug on the floor being ugly or some shit.
It’s really too bad that Elektron forums are plagued with a lot of assholes but it is what it is. I believe I mentioned there are a lot of hobbyists on here, and that is very true. There is absolutely nothing wrong with making music as a hobby but if you do please respect those who do it professionally. The forum geeks are the dumbest ones in here ironically. Now, I’ll probably get banned or some shit for telling it like it is, but do you really fucking think I need to visit these forums to get the job done? I will call Elektron if I need to speak to them. There are a few cool people in this community but there are too many asswipes so I’m out.

To those douchebag wannabees who plan to comment- GO FUCK YOURSELF and keep dreaming-it ain’t gonna happen. You just don’t have what it takes…Ouch:) Sorry chump.

To those who mind their own business and have real friends outside of online forums-I wish you happiness and success in all that you do.

And just to be clear- I don’t have a chip on my shoulder. I’m wiping the dust off my shoulder. One more thing-just because some of you (you know who you are, fuckfaces) know how to use synths and samplers, does NOT MEAN you know how to make great music with them.

Check those egos bitches.

agreed on the 808, but I opted for the AR instead of the Tempest for my main drum machine (hopefully I will actually get it in the next couple months heheh)…I mean technically I can do drums on the OT or on the A4 but I don’t like burning voices/tracks for drums on those…in the meantime I’m just using a Volca Beats (if I want analog) and software if I don’t…I would probably go for the TR8 if I wasn’t waiting on the AR

Well said brother. I know how you feel.

I went ahead and checked into the tempest forum and spent 5 hours reading last night.
I have been absolutely obsessed with reading watching the videos of gear with songs etc.
I fucking loved love love Mr Datalines videos so I’m set.

There are a lot of boring ass “I bought a synth, it makes beeps” videos on the tube.

While a sample of the 808 BD has been played out or the “go to” bottom end, there is and will be nothing like owning the revolution tool and playing on it everyday. I’m really excited that I even have a last minute shot at it.

If you’re my age and we’re into hip hop, freestyle electro and Miami bass, then it needs no explantion.

I can’t promise a Dynamix II or Bass Junkie classic, but we are the heads in town and we will have the best time of our lives should we get it.

We aren’t stopping there either. Trust me there are a lot of goodies out there. I have a lot of other gear on the list. There will be 3-4 of us in the studio every week.

Wish us luck!

not sure why some got upset about my reply. It’s like me logging in and posting “do I need a frying pan in my kitchen?”

The answer really depends on a lot of things. Since you didn’t post a current gear list, didn’t mention the type of music you like/make, didn’t mention if you already had a sampler or samplers in the past, didn’t mention if you needed a decent MIDI sequencer too or not, what are we supposed to do?

Also - it doesn’t ‘outperform dedicated MIDI sequencers’. IMHO, it’s OK as a MIDI sequencer, but the lack of separate MIDI outs, the abysmal song mode (arranger), the limit of only 4 MIDI notes in a chord, and other issues make it only OK in my book. I personally never use the MIDI sequencer part of the machine.

You wanted non-Elektron reviews, I mentioned that google provided me with many.

Again - not sure where the attitude popped up.

It has midi out and thru, multiple midi out ports is a non-issue IMO. If you are doing lots of midi you are going to want a midi switch of some sort eventually. I use a quadra right now, it was cheap and works great.

If you are doing ‘lots of midi’ it might be helpful to understand that MIDI is a serial protocol, hence the value of multiple ports.

Get used to it. There are a lot of amateurs in here with big attitudes. Some think that because they use Elektron instruments they automatically are great producers or remixers. WRONG. And some think that because they have been ‘hobbying’ for so long that automatically qualifies them to be good at their hobby. WRONG AGAIN. I can’t fucking staaaaannnnd ass-kissers! As God is my witness, those guys would get knocked the fuck out if they just looked me or my boys the wrong way. We can spot fake clowns anywhere and I can certainly fucking HEAR them. I respect and admire those individuals who work hard to be great-because ‘good’ doesn’t mean fuck all in the music business. I mean, if your idea of success is posting some weak sauce on Soundcloud and waiting for the comments to roll in-then have fun! Some of us however are actually making money and don’t give a shhhiiiiiit about positing dittys to impress our friends. I love my friends and they know that, but it wasn’t them I wanted to impress when I was still working my way in the business. And it’s funny when these ‘hobbyists’ think they know what’s really going on. They have no fucking idea what’s really going on. I remember one of these jerkoffs not believing me when I said I own an Accelerator and a Tempest. Next post was. ‘Pics or it didn’t happen’. I wish I wouldn’t have, but I did take pics of both instruments still in their boxes. I did that, and what does some jerkoff respond with? Oh yeah, some comment about the rug on the floor being ugly or some shit.
It’s really too bad that Elektron forums are plagued with a lot of assholes but it is what it is. I believe I mentioned there are a lot of hobbyists on here, and that is very true. There is absolutely nothing wrong with making music as a hobby but if you do please respect those who do it professionally. The forum geeks are the dumbest ones in here ironically. Now, I’ll probably get banned or some shit for telling it like it is, but do you really fucking think I need to visit these forums to get the job done? I will call Elektron if I need to speak to them. There are a few cool people in this community but there are too many asswipes so I’m out.

To those douchebag wannabees who plan to comment- GO FUCK YOURSELF and keep dreaming-it ain’t gonna happen. You just don’t have what it takes…Ouch:) Sorry chump.

To those who mind their own business and have real friends outside of online forums-I wish you happiness and success in all that you do.

And just to be clear- I don’t have a chip on my shoulder. I’m wiping the dust off my shoulder. One more thing-just because some of you (you know who you are, fuckfaces) know how to use synths and samplers, does NOT MEAN you know how to make great music with them.

Check those egos bitches.


^^ Yeah, Mr. Pro Producer that nobody’s ever heard of, is a total Ass Hat, isn’t he? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

back to the question…

There are probably a few reasons why they are hard to find… the trend is to get a way from computers or it is a concept which is peaking. the Octatrack is basically Ableton in a device. There are powerful ways to use it which are in tune with Elektron philosophy. It takes a bit of getting used to for some but it does click. Me a a minimal user for 2 years had an ah moment and now can’t live with out it.

it is a great machine and has lots of features which allows the user to do sample damage live.

Questions are are you interested in loosing your computer from your rig?

are you ready to dig your heels into a new device?

Also the question as been asked on the site a bagillion times… so I think if you go back in this forum you will find people who have ask the same question made a decision and posted the outcome. that might be useful too.



here are 2 not a bagillion… might be rounding up a bit : P

Man i don’t get those guys… Keep spreading the love!!

OT is an amazing machine. If you do it pro-like or noob like doesnt matter.

Thanks for the gear links guys.

I almost got the Oktatrack on ebay today. Oh well.

The good news is I’ve had plenty of time to review and have narrowed things down.

The money for the “tempest” that never left San FRANCISCO is still mine to spend.

The good thing about non ebay purchases is we can try em and return em.

So outside of any elektron equipment, still have my mind set on these.
Either tetra, mopho4 or Prophet 8
Acidlab Miami or Jomox 888
Haven’t decided on a filter as of yet but like either
Koma or Bass Lancet.

I’m sure I can get some nice filters on any elektron.

Just coming down to the best deal to be had at this point.

hey sol-bass-rec, i was kind of the same way before i got the OT as well.

it IS pretty hard to explain without actually letting someone play with it.

the way i think of it is that instead of multi-tracking recordings and building stuff like i used to, it’s more possible to “play” everything in real time. scenes are incredibly powerful, and that mixed with diverse patterns let you change stuff up big time.

it’s going to be another workflow that you can use. it’s a lot different than other approaches out there, and the whole “ableton in a box” is really a bit of a misnomer. it’s both more and less than that at the same time.

octatrack is cool because you can either make an entire track on it or only use it for some elements.

or just sequence a ton of stuff with it…

or have different roles for different tracks, it doesn’t matter.

octatrack, imho, is a necessity for anybody that has at least a small hardware setup.

for me it functions as:


drum machine


effects box (this is actually a HUGE benefit of it…if you’re jamming with a band you can run shit through the ot and mangle sounds. run a drummers hi hat mic through one input, p-lock a filter or flanger on it, then send it back out, do this for a guitarist, etc…can really lead to weird and rock-solid sync’ed stuff. experiment)

basic mixer

backing tracks

in the studio, at a small show where it’s just you up there, or as part of a full band…it performs great. it’s really flexible, i don’t think you’ll be disappointed.

you just need to put the time into understanding it.

The OT is THE techno machine.

Just my 2 cents. This doesn’t answer your question, but confirms your decision. There are enough tutorials in the web and in the old forum.