Experiences with Oktacontrol?

Anyone using this controller for the OT? Any reviews available? Found a few clips on youtube, but not much. Looks pretty cool.

Do you get abrupt level changes if you use the faders with the parts transition? (eg if the parts have different overall levels)

why not ask the creator. hes on this forum

The guy who built it is Bruce

This looks great. I’d be interested to hear from anyone who has used it.

According to this video, it’s like eating a space cake for breakfast… or something… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

If the pink giant octopus care to explain… ha ha


Mine arrives today, i’ll post findings tonight :imp:

I was wandering this about the Octakontrol: Let’s say I have the 8 faders set to volume, and then next minute I want the 8 faders set to filter cutoff or something, can I switch between set ups like that( such like the layers/banks on many controllers), if so how many sets of 8? Or do i need to reconfigure it each time I want to change the function of slider?

the part will remember the last volume setting on the amp page like normal.
only difference it will snap to the value on the corresponding Oktakontrol fader as soon as you move it.

@smais i haven’t gotten that far yet but get back to you soon

Really enjoying playing with it so far, super solid feeling and looks right at home beside the other Elektron boxes :slight_smile:

it arrived in perfect shape from Germany to Toronto, Canada in about 2 weeks and with lots of stickers! :heart:

Thanks AGKW