(i’m very new to these forums, so, hi)
I was just wondering, all the demos on Youtube show the Machinedrum working in very electronic tracks, house, trance, minimal and idm stuff. i was wondering if anyone has examples of the drum machine working on different kind of music.
I know it has a * very * specific sound - which i like - but i wonder if it would mix for example with acoustic instruments for example. Or maybe electronic music, but something gentler and with less attack in some way? Gentler music, basically.
So, feel free to post any tracks that you made with the Machinedrum that maybe stay away from the usual spectrum of sounds the MD can make. That’s it.
Check out Radiohead’s In Rainbows or King Of Limbs both albums have a bit of MD on em, struggling to think of any non housetechnodubglitch
I’ve made an album with a guitarist using the machine drum (non-UW) for the drums. So it’s a fusion of electronic melodic and “rock” sounds. sort of …
Anyway I think it’s a different approch of the machine drum (sometimes the MD also process guitar sounds).
You can listen here:
the 3 first tracks has a lot of MD.
hope you enjoy
what about m83
fine examples of the MDUW in a post rock whatever context
@analept - nice tunes
Excellent that was exactly what i was searching for… Great work with the hi-hats and the snare. This is the MkI Machinedrum?
thanx a lot !
yes it’s the old scholl version
& I’m still in love with it !
On the old forum in the files section there is the old demo MP3 files that Elektron used to have on their webpage back in 2008 or so. One of those songs is called `Sarpsborg’ by Nils. It’s very different from anything you usually hear on the MD. It always sounds “like a memory” to me. Check it out if you get the chance.
Shameless plug time!
Ambient-ish, certainly not techno. All Machinedrum and Monomachine (with a Strymon BlueSky), with the occasional addition of an Access Virus for additional pads/effects.
^^ Machinedrum for kick, snare starting at 1:28, and hats pretty much all over the place.
^^ Machinedrum for rim shots in the beginning, after the choruses, and during the bridge around 2:45. Other electronic kicks and snares and crashes are DSI Tempest.
Almost this entire song was done on an OP-1 but the drums that come in around 0:27 is sampled drums from the Monomachine.
Found it!
Sounds really great!
Yep, that’s it - the one and only Sarpsborg! Just its own thing!
you should listen to my compatriot Chapelier Fou. I’m a big fan.
I’m pretty sure that he used a MachineDrum in its great great song “Les Métamorphoses Du Vide”.
I know he use(d) MachineDrum, Monomachine, OT, A4.
But he should be able to explain it himself as he is an Elektronaut.
I think the song is garbage, but you can see RZA from the Wu-Tang Clan using the MD at around 1:44 in the video in this link.
I’m assuming it has probably made it into some of his other work as well. I hope so, anyhow.