Every sound retriggs in new OS?

Updated to new OS but when I play the rythm from my keyboard or daw midi track, every sound keeps retrigging for as long as it is being played, like the retrigg is on, when its not. Did not have this before upgrade ;//

yep, tried just now and every sound gets repeated when holding a note on external keyboard…

Me too.

Sweet, can you record it! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

same here

yup…me too

Yeah, this is horrible. I guess they don’t play much drums at Elektron HQ :frowning:

How do I roll back this update? Can I just install the older version and there’s no danger?

anyone made a ticket to elektron about this yet?


This retrig problem occurs when sending MIDI via “Analog rytm (Elektron MIDI)” or directly to the physical MIDI port, but it doesn’t occur sending via the OB plugin.

Does anyone know a fix for people that do not use OB?

…unless there’s an hidden setting somewhere or was done on purpose, nope…i still haven’t found any solution to this…i hope someone from the HQ will sooner or later chime in…

It’s not an OB issue, you’ll just have to wait for a new beta !

It’s not an OB issue, you’ll just have to wait for a new beta ![/quote]
It’s an issue with the stable release of the AR OS, it has luckily nothing to do with the beta.
Very strange that they have not pulled the update yet

Just curious (haven’t upgraded yet) does the internal sequencer have this problem too?


the internal pads & sequencer are not affecetd by this bug (neither is OB use I’m guessing?), only when playing the sounds via USB/DIN MIDI.

What a bummer. I just stopped using my padcontroller for playing the pads a month ago, so didn’t notice this bug. I can only hope the fix is an easy one and gets done soon!

Aside from the bug, the 1.22 update is substantial, loving the new aftertouch recording and the trig conditions!

this is a bit embarrassing for us beta testers tbh - an obvious bug and so easy to find, if any of us just had tried to trigger notes from a midi device… :zonked:

agreed this is pretty bad. I sequence rytm with pyramid and its stuttering all over the place. Not cool. Hopefully they get an update out fast.

I hope you don’t mind me asking this here. Kind of related.

I just connected a Maschine controller to Rytm. When trying to play whatever pads indeed this problem occurs. But please tell me, when you press a pad softer or heavier on your external controller, does Rytm follow the velocity? In my case all “error retrigs” are the same velocity as the first one I played no matter how I change the pressure later on. If I try the same with Rytm’s pads all is normal, retrigs are changing their velocity when pressure is changing. Happens to you too?

I bought an OT so I wouldn’t have to use a daw except for preparing sounds, that machine reignited something so I went and got a Rytm, the new OS features are so tantalising now this… I find I can enter notes more efficiently from a keyboard so this is torture … I cant upgrade until this is solved.