It’s pretty cool in that you can run all the algorithms from the factor pedals as well as new ones that don’t exist anywhere else.
The idea of the ipad / computer control is cool but in practice I missed the real hardware interface for live tweaking and immediacy. You can adjust from the unit itself but it’s not fun. I can see it really working on a pedal board live where you’ve already set everything up though.
In the end though I preferred the sound of the Strymon Big Sky, Timeline and Mobius. Not cheap I know but to do multiple effects on the H9 you’d still need more than one.
Pro Guitar Shop offers 60 day trials on all pedals and code pedal15 gets you 15% off.
I dont know the Eventides at all to be honest, BUT i know the Strymons as i own them too now. And i can only say one thing:
I NEVER heard any Reverb like the Big Sky before !!! The Timeline is a bit more “basic” i must say - at least in my ears it cannot deliver that type of indivudalness and richness when it comes to sound like the Big Sky can.
Made an example with the A4 running into the Big Sky with one of its more “special” machines. You can find that here:
Its also in the featured videos here on Elektronauts at the moment.
And i must agree to tsv - on the Strymons everything is just direct. You touch the controls and can tweak to your hearts content - much like you can do this with our Elektron machines already
The H9 however looks like it could be a cool partner for the Recording Desk alongside the DAW. Coupled with the fact that you have precise computer Control and that you can load new Stuff into it over times makes me think about a new Effect-Board hard wired to the Audio Interface If it now had a VST-Plugin to directly control it … Nah, ok - this is drifting off the pedal domain, you usually find those on Multi-Effect Units in the Recording Area - which probably dont have the sound of the Pedals …
I ended up getting the Strymon Big Sky and Timeline. Both great pedals. I must say. Love the timeline more. Very Rich.
The main reason I didn’t get the H9 was that you have to pay for all the other Algoritms. You know that in the end you want them all and then you have to spend even more money in the end.
Or maybe this was some cognitive dissonance behavior from me to allow meself getting these two pedals at once.