European subcultures reading list

Woah, this looks mega!

I will 100% be watching this in the coming days, thanks!

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45 is a great book. I keep meaning to read it again.

“Confusion Incorporated” by Stewart Home has a great chapter about an adventure with Bill and Jimmy, plus a lot of other total madness. Some, all or none of may or may not be true (that’s kind of the point of the book), but it’s a great read. Home is heavily inspired by the Situationist International.

The WaxTrax documentary is also excellent.

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Ooh, thanks for this… Has anyone read 2023? Been meaning to. Kinda Illuminatus Trilogyish? text**

I had the “pleasure” of experiencing Gimpo conducting controlled explosions in the cellar of the Foundry (an old bank in E London purchased by Drummond and the K Foundation and turned into a bar and gallery - long sine redeveloped) - and the Foundry’s “cultural exchange” with Dom in Moscow - at the Russian end. They managed to get financing from the British Council! A large part of Dom’s “cultural exchange” away game was getting many gallons of illegal proof samaogon passed UK customs and pouring liberally free of charge in the Foundry to the sound of a Tuvan throat singers… I wasn’t there for that , but was in Moscow for the Foundry’s “away match” under the motto “too much spirit too”… Much fun. Some comic guy introduced a mockery-of-performance art performance with: “Oh Russia! Mother Russia!. Yes, Russia may be a mother to figure you, but Britain is more of a father figure to us… a father who fucks us up the arse!”


A bit old, but this blew my mind in my early 20s. The Sex Pistols and Situationism!


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The Foundry was magical while it lasted

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Yeah, “kinda” … as in trying pretty hard to be Illuminatus! … but then it saves itself from pastiche by taking a few different turns. It’s ok, but I’m not sure what to make of it yet. Illuminatus! changed my life, and I can’t say that about 2023 (although being one of the 400 was quite the experience, and the chaos magick it inspired is wonderful).

Changed mine too… More Cosmic Trigger though me thinks.

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