Euclidean Polyrythms Live Experiment - Nolaptop Fest 2014

For 2014 Free Culture Festival at Malaga´s “Casa Invisible”, the edition was again NoLaptopFestival.

I had the pleassure to share the space with many interesting and “different” musicians, all of them without laptop on stage :slight_smile:

I improvised a polyrythmic experiment, using euclidean algotyhm drum generation, cellula automata and fractal sequences. Hope you like it!

Gear used:
Elektron Octatrack
Nord Micro Modular
GameBoy DMG
MIDI Bud (Midi Pal DIY)


I’m about half way through listening right now and very much enjoying this! Would you be willing to tell us what each piece of gear was doing in the piece, please?

Hello PeterHanes,
I´m glad you are enjoying the set…

To explain the setup and wiring:

  • QuNeo is connected to CerebelUSB, which is my own DIY USB MIDI Host… - This transforms Quneos USB in to MIDI DIN, which goes then in the MIDI Pal…
  • I have created a Preset in Quneo that allows me to make the Math multiplications or divisions of the Euclidean algorythm.
  • MIDI Pal Output goes to the Octatrack, controlling drums on channels 1-4. (Play Free).
  • From the octatrack, I control the GAMEBOY (using a DIY Midi interface) for making drones in the background.
  • I also control the Nord Micro Modular with generative presets that I have created before, and this are all “Program Changed” via MIDI.
  • The OT serves as a mixer and multiFX for gameboy and Nord.
  • Octatrack uses two tracks aswel with Binaural recordings slowed down for ambient textures…

Then lots of Scenes… :slight_smile: this set was all prepared in just 4 days, it´s made of 4 songs… using 4 Patterns in total, one pattern per “song”…

Hope it makes sense!!

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Thank you, Multiman.

I enjoyed the music in its own right and I was very interested to read your explanation of the set-up.

Will you be making more performances soon?

Hi PeterHanes,
Glad that it was interesting for you!

Under this more experimental “Inspektor Gadjet” project, I haven´t got many gigs or performances programmed, they come quite randomly… I might do some streaming livesets from the studio this winter though…

The only performances coming are with my “Multiman” project (psytrance), also using the OT but “less live” and using less gear due to aiplanes restrictions…

So yeah thanks for the comment and hope to have some new material soon.