Yessterday I tried to upload the Lemnic soundbank to my mnm, the one available from the Elektron website. Only when i try to upload it my sysex receive on the mnm tells me there are 16 messages and 16 errors. Therefore i do have the 16 kits but i cant seem to find the 16 patterns anywhere.
Nothing happens when i press play, obviously, because nothing is set. All the patterns are empty.
Are you using OSX? If so, what version? I think there is an error with c6 in Mountain Lion that causes these glitches. Try setting the delay ticks to some number above zero…the bigger the number, the longer the transfer.
I too am getting errors constantly. Nothing uploads onto my Monomachine even after following the advice of adding delay ticks and enabling SDS Handshake. Elektron can make multiple videos regarding Overbridge, but can’t make a single video describing the uploading process using C6. A bunch of bullshit if you ask me. Has anyone had any success uploading these sound banks?
No offense, but complaints need to be heard by Elektron themselves (at least complaints that user community not solved). Because they often have the good technical advise because that’s their job to do it and they know their machine…
I never had problems with my MnM and Machinedrum MKIIuw when i do have it but i sold mines so i can’t help and didn’t remember the exact process, i do know that i have TM-1 and C6 and also i made a loop with Midi cables (meaning i used Midi IN and OUT on the MnM and the Midi interface so 2 midi cables)
EXPANSION come normally with a detail " How to do " (PDF or TXT read me file) you have done all that steps ? recommended by your expansion pack ?
Save your current Snapshot. Select the FILE row in the GLOBAL EDIT menu. Then select SNAPSHOTS and press [ENTER/YES]. In the MODE column, select SAVE and press [ENTER/YES].
Load a new empty Snapshot. Select the FILE row in the GLOBAL EDIT menu. Select SNAPSHOTS and press [ENTER/YES]. Choose LOAD in the MODE column and select an empty position in the list.
Connect your Monomachine MIDI IN to a computer using a standard MIDI connector and a MIDI interface. Connect via the Elektron TM-1 in order to achieve Turbomidi (up to 10x) transfer speeds.
Initiate a new DIGIBANK on the Monomachine. Select the FILE row in the GLOBAL EDIT menu. Then select DIGIBANKS and press [ENTER/YES]. First, select SWITCH in the MODE column and choose and empty position for your new bank. Then, select RENAME and give the bank a suitable name (IMMORTAL, for example, but you can give it any name you want) using the [FUNCTION] + [ARROW] keys.
Prepare the Monomachine to receive the waveforms. Access the DIGIPRO MGR in the GLOBAL menu. Choose RECEIVE and then press [RIGHT] arrow key to move to the POS NAME column. Choose ORG and press [ENTER/YES]. The display on the Monomachine will show “WAITING…”.
On your computer, open the c6 utility software (make sure you have the latest version, available on the Elektron webpage, Support & Downloads section). In the c6 configuration menu, select Elektron Monomachine for both MIDI In and MIDI Out. Also, make sure you tick the boxes: Use SDS Handshake, Use Extended SDS and Send SPS-1UW Name. This will allow the transferred data to be shown with descriptive names, once received. Close the configuration window by clicking the OK button.
Open the Immortal Waves Sound Pack folder on your computer. Drag the waveform files and drop them on the c6 main window. Select all files. Then click the DigiPro button, located below right on the c6 main window. Finally, click the Send button. A counter on your Monomachine display will show how many and to which position the waveforms have been received.
When all waveforms have been transferred, press [EXIT/NO]. The Monomachine screen will show “WRITING WAVEFORMS”. The transfer is complete. The waveforms will be stored starting from position 1 in the active Digibank.
Transfer the kits and patterns. On the Monomachine, Select FILE in the GLOBAL menu. Then select SYSEX RECV using the [ARROW] keys and press [ENTER/YES]. In the MODE column, select ORIG and press [ENTER/YES]. The Monomachine is now ready to receive data, and “WAITING…” will be shown on the screen. On your computer, drag the Immortal Waves (Patterns and Kits) syx file to the c6 main window. Select the file, then click Send. After a short while, the Patterns and Kits will have been transferred.
Save your new Snapshot. Select FILE in the GLOBAL EDIT menu. Then, select SNAPSHOTS and press [ENTER/YES]. Select SAVE in the MODE column and press [ENTER/YES]. Give the Snapshot a proper name, such as IMMORTAL, using the [FUNCTION] + [ARROW] keys.
The 16 demo patterns are located in Bank A. Make sure bank group A-D is active (toggle using the [BANK GROUP] key). Then select a pattern by pressing [BANK A/E] + [TRIG] 1-16.
Listen to the selected pattern by pressing [PLAY].
This is a nicely detailed tutorial, William. However when I followed your advice all I got on my Monomachine when I began transferring was a message saying “Error! Incorrect Length”. Any solution to that?
Hi! I did everything as told in the Immortal Waves PDF. The MnM confirms 64/64. Then, i pressed [NO/EXIT] and the MnM screen shows - as expected - “WRITING WAVEFORMS”. But after that nothing happens. The “loading bar” is fully black and stays that way. I can’t do anything but turn the MnM completely off… Does someone know what i can do about this…?
Thank you!