Error message in test mode


I have just taken the step into the word of Elektron. Today I set up my A4 and OT with MIDI-sync. I quickly discovered that I only could get sound form the Octatrack. For no apparent reason the A4 did not produce a sound. I started the A4 in test mode and received 1 error. Re-installing the OS didn´t do anything so I sent a message to Elektron support (sent it just now). I was hoping that some A4 wizard in this forum might know something about this issue or have had the same problem.

Error msg

Erros msg cont.


Possible that you accidentally swapped the units’ power adapters?

Wow! Thats it!! That was the big elephant I was unable to see…Thank you so much!

I had done that once too, I was so scared that I had destroyed the unit. However, at some reason it still worked when I switched back to the original adapter.
Now I have marked all my adapters :smiley: