Erm… digitone is bad gear

I effin love Baseck

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I literally wrote that on YouTube!

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…is ticking all the boxes!

Everything could be considered good or bar gear, it is something really subjective, isn’t it?

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He’s good, isn’t he?
I mean, that’s definitely not the type of music I ordinarily listen to, but he’s so good at taking you through a journey. And everything looks simple (although it probably isn’t). That’s quite humbling.

I watched a lot of his episodes and he always manages to make me smile and demonstrate that even bad gear can be great.

His table top jams often use other bad gear and always sound a lot better than most other stuff I see on Youtube. Not to mention the mega-long-titled-track-that-mentions-some-obscure-genre-or-trend he makes near the end of each video.

He has a lot of talent and I don’t think his intentions are ever upset anyone or straight up diss gear. When he featured the Digitakt, I was pleased not upset and that’s my favourite Elektron box after the Monomachine!



yeah its possible. midi tracks can be repurposed as FX automation lanes.

P.S. id love to take back my roast message, but instead ill use it as a lesson.
need to teach myself to have respect for people who dedicate their lives to work just so i can have something nice :blue_heart:


As others have stated, I think his main point is that any gear can be used to make art.
An artists uses what’s at hand, and generally makes their magnum opus. As soon as they get access to anything they desire, the art itself usually dips in quality.


Yeah he is good… Im glad you can appreciate the skill vs just the style of music.

He so good, that Perfect Circuit had him in to show off the Syntakt on their youtube channel.

His channel has been quiet for a couple years.

Yes, I watched this one as well, and the one about the OT MKII. Both are terrific. Pity he doesn’t post more often

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He’s come a long way from when I first heard him. He’s really reigned it in, in a good way.


Probably for the channel… Personally, I love DnB and Breakcore, so when hes off the chains, I get hyped…

But Im lonely in my life when I talk about music… noone likes it hard. sadface


Oh I like that stuff too. When I said “first heard him” I mean 20 years ago at breakcore parties. His sound design was keeping him from being one of the heavy hitters back then but hearing him now it’s like he took the blanket off the speakers. Not that he was bad back then, just not compared to some of the greats that were regularly playing those parties, which is an admittedly high bar.


Wow… you’re lucky to be able to have seen him from the jump. His videos is what made me get the Syntakt… well, and also the fact that I got an Analog Heat mkII first, and I loved the menu design and aesthetics of Elektron.

And I bet those parties were wild! I feel like they were Cali based? Im not sure where he’s from.

I think he’s from Austria. We communicated in german.

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Stopped watching his channel. The idea is nice and many videos are fun, but it became very repetitious

They are talking about Baseck, it is a bit confusing I admit.


:smiley: Ok

Try coming up with new ideas every week and keeping it fresh. He puts everything he can into his videos and answers all the comments in his yt feed, and he’s funny… what more do you want?


I want a winning lottery ticket to buy more bad gear!