Matrix Mixer from Erica Synths

Not nearly as nicely. That distinction is what makes this a somewhat coarse tool like a patchbay. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
The more channels (points? Rows and columns? Not sure of the nomenclature for matrix mixers) the more it matters and this one has a lot. If it were 2x2 it would hardly matter whether you had to attenuate outboard but even in a 4x4 it starts being a problem. At least that’s been my experience having used and built a lot of them. I guess it depends on use case though. If, for example, it was just being used as a splitting/ summing/ switching box then it’s probably fine. I don’t think it would be great as a mixer or for feedback loops. Maybe I just demand an unreasonable amount of control. I’m a little mixer obsessed, I’m currently using four (including a matrix mixer) and three patchbays and I’m out of channels, mostly due to splitting and rerouting rather than signal sources.

On the syntrx I’ve been really liking it for feed back loops, I mostly do it with the rough attenuation yeah I think using it might make you find general volume sweet spots that work well at the 3 different levels and then make fine adjustments occasionally. Really never was as big a deal as I thought it might be after spending time with it.


Absolutely ! Again things depend on your use, and how much detail you need. Once you go many to many internal control is the only way to get complete level control.

So this product has specific kinds of usages and we need to think that through carefully.

As i said, “Another product for that.” – (those other sorts of uses)

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Thinking about it a bit more I think if you designed a little eurorack system around using this you would probably be super happy with it, while adding it to a bigger already in use system might lead to some frustrations.

I think I will drop in a preorder, might just end up being a fancy patchbay for my DJ mixer or I might just pair it with the pico system 3 for the quick patch ability of anything can go to anything type results.


Well, my first thoughts, I see it as a patch bay with fixed cabling, but with tons of combinations possible. This could bring in my way (too many) effect pedals back in the game.

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Just for a point of reference you can also look at this thread, for a digital patch bay product discussion (a different but related sort of product):



I had this thing marked in my modulargrid for ages, hoping for one to appear second hand. Now I understand the wait :smiley:

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They did i own one😆

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wow excellent idea

mixers’ outputs a,b,c and d goes to OT’s inputs a,b,c and d to route all my synths and efx pedals back and forth; then OT’s and Mnm’s outs back to the mixer …

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I brought 2 second hand last year, there great


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I think the CV in for changing presets is missed…

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The DC coupling is great, just a Volca + an SQ-1 + a couple of effects pedals would yield terrific results.

Can I use this as a crazy ass audio mixer? Connecting synths, eurorack filters and effects? I am on the market for a small mixer and the 1010 bluebox is on the pole position

You can use it to make crazy mix routings, but the results would probably be best sent to a normal mixer.

This is more mixer-as-instrument. It can be used, for example, to concoct crazy CV signals to send to your semi-modular devices.

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Sort of. You will get way more routing options/ madness than a conventional mixer but way less control of levels. Depending on the rest of your setup and what you’re looking to do this trade off could either be a non-issue or a deal breaker.

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IMHO it’s look handy on paper but at usage, I pretty sure it will be difficult to remember what are all the inputs and outputs connected to.

Nifty device. Though at first i thought the led matrix was also a button interface. The actual encoder interface really takes the directness out of the process i m afraid… Not great for live performance.