ENV Gate Length questions

I’ve never really understood how to use this feature. What are the practical applications? Thanks.

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i’m just about to explore this more deeply,

but what it is is basically an override for the note length…
with it, you can set the length of the envelopes to a fixed value independent from the trig length, maybe for drum sounds where you don’t want keyboard presses to affect the length of a sound…

however, this is another case where the envelope/trig behaviour seems buggy to me… because with this paramter, you can only shorten the envelope gate time, i.e. the internal sequencer will use whatever is shorter… the trig, or this parameter… imo, it would be cool if the behaviour was such that if this parameter is anything other than OFF, it would define the length of a trig no matter what, basically turn the envelope into a one-shot… so you could trigger a longer envelope with a short note…

Was just thinking this same thing yesterday.

Was just thinking this same thing yesterday. [/quote]
gents, no, this section works just fine, not buggy and it will use a longer Env than the gate - it works :+1: just fine !!! ,i’ve been having a hoot with creative envelope usage lately, so i was surprised to see this comment - what’s not to like, i’m not pitching in uses, but it’s just extra control, what’s not to like - genius imho, use your imagination :wink:

it does ! - it just doesn’t do it to the ‘overriding’ amp envelope (no len param on that page!) - set your release high to hear the other longer env gates :wink:
alternatively have your fixed length gate fun (on the amp too) with env shapes 8-thru-11, the attack phase there (effectively) defines the gate hold !!
This is just one of the many reasons why i think Elektron have given us the best box of tricks money can buy - it is just so flexible and controllable, in outside the box ways !

huh, you’re right!
think I forgot to expand the AMP envelope :facepalm:

i’m pretty sure if there was room on the page they would have given us delay too (ie DSI style envs)

hm well maybe the idea is that you can use trigless trigs to delay the envelopes… but then of course you quickly bump into the (buggy?) behaviour from earlier today… :dizzy_face: