Entering chords in polymode similar way to MnM

So the update has arrived and has exceeded my expectations.

One question from me is - how can I enter chords in the grid sequencer similarly as the MnM? Is it possible?

I find it great on the MnM to be able to enter a chord then copy it and paste it then simple press left/right to shift the entire chord up/down.

Please tell me this is possible on the A4!

hold the trig, on note page move encoder A

I’m confused with exactly how entering chords works with the A4. I’m trying to use track 3 and 4 in Poly mode, and am assuming that the first track in the series (3) should be the control. If I hold down trig it on the note page it says “main note” and if I turn encoder A it just changes the main note.

I know I’m missing something super obvious, but whatever it is I’m not seeing it…

The MnM shows stacked notes as you add more to a step… Does the a4 do this? Do I have to have Track 1 as the master?

On the poly configure page enable only tracks 3 + 4 for polyphony.

Track 1 + 2 are now mono only. Track 3 + 4 will both work in poly mode if the required voices are available. Voice stealing is described in the manual, there are options to determine how this works.

To trigger polyphonic notes:

On one of the tracks enabled for polyphony place a trig and set the note the usual way. On the Arp page, set a value for “No2” - this is the interval to the 2nd note in the chord. No3 + N04 are used for additional notes.


Thanks! I also just figured out that if you simply hold down multiple keys on the mini keyboard while holding down the trig button those notes are all triggered on that step.


Yes, you can do that

sorry to hi-jack this thread but do the LED lights on the mini-keyboard display the recorded notes on playback like it’s seen on the AK videos?

no, only when holding down a trig.

Arp page for note 2 thats great news. I was super confused as to how to enter an octave. Loving poly mode though. Great fun.