This short piece is not a new one (the comments go back three years) but I just came across it.
References a longer book by Eric Tamm, which I haven’t read (and for which the link is dead, but it’s available for free here).
This short piece is not a new one (the comments go back three years) but I just came across it.
References a longer book by Eric Tamm, which I haven’t read (and for which the link is dead, but it’s available for free here).
Great read so far. Thanks for the link!
Have you read, This Is Your Brain On Music by Daniel Levitin
very interesting too
+1 and thanks dubathonic!
Been an Eno fan way back to Roxy Music days to his solo career and that book link made my night!! Took a Creativity Workshop college class in grad school that quite a bit of these techniques used by Cultural Creatives for ages were what we focused on. I do some visual art as well and for anyone else interested in a great book with exercises (artists and non-artists), that help conjure one’s ability to see all things and circumstances differently is: “Drawing On The Right Side Of The Brain”. This Eno reference brought this back to my attention because when for instance you get stumped with visual art piece, simply turning it upside down and looking at it freshly that way the next day after sleep or a nap will do wonders. Same concept goes for music…simply go outside your parameters of way you prefer to work as in even using a time signature or Minor/Augmented Key you normally do not ever do, et al.
Thanks again for that link! Also, take a re-listen or listen for first time to all of Roxy Music’s work and realize how way ahead of their time they were and still very relevant. “Sex is a drug” has some killer dynamics.
Insightful post. Love Eno.
Interesting stuff. Especially the bit on Havin a smoke. Got a mate that can’t write without it but he’s trying…
Very cool!
Thanks for sharing.
216 pages! …i don’t read much books and as soon as the file opened i was like: whaaaaat! :D, i guess there’s a lot in there and it’s from mr eno himself so worth reading it…thing is, it’ll probably take me a year to read it all
thanks for the link dubathonic
Hope you are not serious! That’s a quick read and did so before going to bed. Better not even consider graduate studies then:-)
I like Eno like anyone else, but that book looked like Chinese water torture to me…brutal! It would take me years to finish that
Edit: what I really mean to say is that I’d much rather listen to “Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy” or “Here Come the Warm Jets” rather than have to deal with that book…