Elektronauts Hip Hop Battle #25 Blue Note

something that occurred to me is that since we dont have to post any samples the thread hasnt been bumping as often so we just gotta keep it floating to get more eyes


@Yabba Aww no man, that sucks to hear, but hopefully you were able to mimic those tweaks as best as you could remember :muscle: have you had a chance to report it to the service dept? I had some weird screen pop up and freeze my OT the other day and haven’t gotten a response back from them yet lol. Does this weird thing when adding slices then using the selection to navigate and playing another section of that same sample (to find other bits) will make those previous slices disappear (hurts when you’ve got a lot of slices). Hopefully, we’ll get some feedback, soon! :beers:

@Sleepyhead in an effort to build on @schoolbabyboy’s great suggestion, and hopefully not to derail the topic but how is the 2400 treating you, so far?

I actually had an epiphany while looking for samples the other night. After observing the Blue Note logo, I realize now, many years later, that the logo is a stretched out 1/8th note (done in a subtle jazzy way). :exploding_head: Whoever designed that logo is a genius.


@aarb420 cheers bud, no I haven’t reported it to be honest but I think I will, it was kinda my fault I had saved the tweaks but when I switched it back on the first thing I did for some reason is save it again before pressing play and realising it was an older version.

Damn that slices thing sounds like a pain with the OT, I hope they get back to you soon, I’m not expecting any more major updates from Elektron but it’ll be nice if the little bugs get fixed

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@Yabba Hopefully, two nothingburgers :beers: Forgot what I did to do to get the slices to reappear, and it’s definitely a bug. At first, I was starting from scratch each time that happened and it really sucked with the acapellas (I’ll get to like 30 slices and then that happens :face_with_head_bandage:; just avoiding that altogether atm haha). The service team are really helpful though man, and are usually quick to provide a solution (think my ticket may have been buried) :ok_hand:

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Work has been heavy, so I’m not as far as I would like. Hoping my days off tomorrow and Friday will mean I can get it there. Is the Friday cutoff midnight GMT?


Realistically, allowing for time zone differences and people being a bit late, I probably won’t put up the playlist till the following Monday evening uk time anyway, so it’s ok to get it to me by then.


I spent a couple of really enjoyable evenings going through the Blue Note catalogue surprising myself and some of the really interesting people who are on there (Didn’t realise Go Go Penguin for example).

As with all of these broader challenge I fell down a procrastination / option paralysis rabbit hole and my chances of producing something are approaching zero, but I really enjoyed doing some crate digging.

Also discovered Madlib had a Blue Note album which is very cool:


Loving it so far! It’s very well built, sounds amazing, and has a cool balance between modern features and oldschool workflow.

There’s a striking difference with the elektron samplers: this one is very immediate, and I can get something great going in 5 minutes because chopping is easy and it sounds amazing without any effort. After this, its way less intuitive to sculpt/shape/finetune the way everything sounds than on the elektron boxes. There’s no fx, no automating stuff, no microtiming of trigs, no conditional trigs, no lfo’s etc. I’m torn which I like more between my AR and s2400 because of this.


Hmmm, been procrastinating like mad on this one. Between learning my m8 tracker and listening to dozens of Blue Note LPs to dig for the best samples, I’ve absolutely done nothing substantial for the contest… :frowning:

Will try to knock something for the deadline, tho…

BTW, I’m deep into trackers lately and it’s really dope for hiphop and sample flipping! Love it!


@monquixote you got this, man, and hop in, the water is wet! The world needs those Don Monquixote flavors! :beers:

@Sleepyhead Those pros/cons you outlined are the same reasons I’m salivating/being cautious with the 2400 haha and thank you for sharing your honest opinion. I seriously think though, from afar, that you don’t need any extra equip from the awesome sound you’re able to achieve with your current formula, in the event that that’s a concern you’re having. Don’t let people’s buying trends dictate the awesome style you’ve developed thus far and keep pushing, man! :muscle: Those 15 min hiss tapes you dropped are :fire: they’d definitely benefit with verses over them, but one can only get so drunk all the time to be able to fulfill that tall order, themselves :tongue:

@Kuro with you on the trackers man, and I recommend bugging @monquixote, as he’s pretty, pretty, pretty good with those, and also @proskynesis from our challenges both are :man_scientist:'s on that tech.


Haha thanks man! The AR will definitely be back for more 15 minutes of hiss tapes.

I always aim to have as few pieces of gear in my setup as possible, because larger setups fry my brain. Currently exploring the s2400/sp404 combo. Will write a detailed review/comparison with the AR soon!


looking forward to the writeup man :beers:


@everyone if you have the time for a quickie, please check out our challenge with @natehorn:

There are some really cool user submitted beats that need proper attention, don’t sleep on those guys!


Hope you do take part, you’ve been missed in these, I’ve extended it to include the weekend anyway so hopefully that gives you or anyone else a bit more time


Hope we get a good few beats and it’ll be interesting to see how ours compares :slightly_smiling_face:

Which to be honest was partially my intent.
I nearly suggested Stax but I thought that might sound like another wu tang battle

Also hope you find something you want to use to take part, the Morricone battle had loads of choice also but I believe you came top 3 in that if my memory serves me well?


Feel free to start sending your beats as we are getting nearer the time now :slightly_smiling_face:

Hope all’s going well with you all :notes:


Yeah it’s a great battle and I’d love to get involved.

I’m currently in the midst of a bit of a creativity drought so I’ll see what I can do.


Ah I know fella I’ve been there myself.
I hope you get the buzz for it back it soon and it’ll be nice to receive something from you if it does

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Happy Friday and a reminder to get your beats to me over the weekend :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks for the extra time :+1:

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No worries mate, I’m happy to wait if anyone else is pushed for time I just wanna hear a blue note beat tape made by you guys :slightly_smiling_face:

I have a handful of submissions but not too many so if anyone else needs an extra day or so feel free to ask