Elektronauts.com not working on LTE/mobile networks?

On my phone, it’s still broken. But when hotspotting my laptop through my phone, it seems to be working again. That wasn’t the case in the last few days. Anyway, I have some access at least! :yellow_heart:


it’s been working on my lte for quite a while now - used to have issues quite often.

Right, I’ve solved it for myself and I think I can solve it for others. Basically, if it’s not working on LTE/4G in your country, you need a VPN.

As I’m an iPhone user with an iCloud+ account (I pay £2.50 for an extra 200GB of cloud storage), there’s a kinda but not really VPN built in called Private Relay. This only works on mobile Safari and has to be enabled within the iCloud+ settings

But it works flawlessly. So now I have Elektronauts back on my phone over 4G. We shouldn’t need these solutions but that’s how it is for some users for the foreseeable. Android users with problems connecting to Elektronauts can check out their built in options or get a free VPN. Good luck!

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Was still not working yesterday on my phone on 4G…
Really curious this website :slight_smile:

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Sounds like it could be a DNS issue - your mobile connection will likely be using a different DNS server than you home connection.

If you’re able to change your DNS server on your phone set it to Google’s public servers: and

The only other possibility I can think of is that there’s a script or flag in the code that targets the connection type and has some kind of bug, i.e. some kind of performance enhancement for mobile connections.

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I looked into this briefly this morning btw and there’s no way I could find to target a connection type, could only be based on bandwidth which is unlikely to only impact 4G/LTE users.

I kind of find this problem fascinating tbh haha

DNS is still my best guess (but still an odd one) but I’d love to know the resolution!

I’ve scanned this topic a bit quickly, but there’s still no solution, is it ?

iPhone, in France, it’s been not working on 4G/5G for me for maybe a year now.
I changed my iPhone a few weeks ago, it worked for a few days, then stopped working.


I thought it was just me! Same problem in Germany. WiFi, no problem at all and I use it all the time. Mobile data no matter how good, nothing, just spinwheel, black screen or old cached pages. I’ve never seen anything similar with another website, neither with other Discourse instances that I’m using on the same phone and mobile data.

I thought that a cause might be that I’m very selective muting categories and topics, and perhaps this causes more calculations and cached data. Sounds a bit of a stretch to me but it’s the only thing I can think of. The other Discourse forums I’m following have less activity and I don’t bother muting categories or topics.

(I turned the bug into a feature, and now I’m happy when I’m on the go and “banned” from checking Elektronauts, where it is impossible that there is something so urgent that must interrupt whatever I’m doing out there.) :slight_smile:

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Yeah in France the same…
Does work on wifi on phone, but does not work using 4G,5G….
Weirdest thing I have ever seen…

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I started this topic and haven’t had an issue in a very long time.


Same in France over here, stopped working on mobile since 3 months, all fine on WIFI.
Isn’t there a technical issue that can be addressed? Is this topic able to reach someone in the Elektronauts team?
Never had this with any other website.


I noticed that aswell, Vodafone DE.

In contrast to other post here, for me me it’s the opposite. elektronauts does only work with wifi/ LTE, when the vpn client is turned off. whenever i turn it on, elektronauts does not work anymore for me… the other discourse forums are working flawlesslyfor me though…

using apple devices. any idea?

Been unable to access the forum from US on iPhone 14 5GW or 5G WiFi for an hour or so every few days. Different browser doesn’t matter.

From what I read over here, it doesn’t depend on the brand of the cellular, the country, the browser or the OS.

Mainly it seems to be a matter of DNS used by cellular due to a misconfiguration of the website. Some time ago, it was working on and off but it’s a time i can’t remember as the forum is unaccessible on my phone since ages now…


Wow that sucks you can’t access the site on your phone. Hope they get it sorted at some point. For me it happens sporadically. Seemingly during high traffic times.

Noticed a few issues with loading the forum yesterday, probably related to this same DNS stuff.

Sometimes server is under heavy load. With this DNS stuff, the connection will simply never happen.
I wonder if a website administrator could have a look at it, it’s been a while.

Christmas miracle!

For the first time in like 18 months, I can access the forum thru my phone’s connection!! Praised be the Lord… for how long though? :wink:


30 minutes, worked for me also for a short time. But now it seems to be gone again.