Elektron Pattern Clips! Now with Arrangement Mode!

I figured out what is probably causing it.

live.comment is new in Max 8.1

What version of Live and Max are you on?

I’m honestly not quite sure which max 4 live it is but I’m on ableton 10.1
It didn’t stop it from working… so doesn’t affect how it works
Cool thanks I’ll just sure to click on each clip to update if making changes…
nice work man you are good with max 4 live I wouldn’t know where to start with it :joy:

Luckily this Max Device doesn’t require much user interaction after selecting Overbridge or Program change modes. Everything else is done in the clip names/selecting.

If you are on 10.1.9 then the bundled version of Max should be 8.1.1 (which should work).

If that’s the case there may be some other issue going on.

If you get a chance, in your Ableton preferences are you using the “bundled version of Max”?

58 PM

I didn’t know where to start either when I started. There are many books and all kinds of information available but no clear direction on where to start.

If you’re interested (not for everyone) the “Very Best” info for getting started with Max is the built in documentation (Seriously, the best way to get started).

Literally open the help file and start reading the first entry and tutorials. it Walks you through all the basics (terminology etc…) of getting around in Max. Once you learn about signal flow, bangs, and triggers the world is your oyster.

Unless you’re trying to control Ableton Live, then you have to learn the LOM too lol. Okay so it’s a little steep but the hill to fluent patch make is relatively small.


just checked Im using the bundled version
but im not using the very latest version of live i think its just 10.1 not 10.1.9…
probably because not the latest version…

I might try learn a little bit of max4live eventuality but not really prepared just yet,
still trying to learn every thing about the new elektron gear thats enough for me at the moment :laughing:

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Makes sense then. At least it’s probably not a bug :slight_smile:

If you upgrade and it changes please let me know. I might make some changes to make it more backward compatible with older versions of Live/Max. It’s just text and so I don’t necessarily need to use the newest and greatest for that (it’s just easier).


Just want to say , started using this on my Rytm MK2. Works so well! Thank you very much :slight_smile: Also Max just released an update so i had to install that for it to work. March 20 2020 update


Can this be wrapped for Logic?

I guess I could just run it in Max?

TITE! :+1:t6:

You are very welcome!
Thank you for the feedback, it’s appreciated!

It wouldn’t work in Logic even as a stand alone Max patch unfortunately.

It relies on the Ableton Live API (getting clip names and playing time positions etc…) to gather the information it needs to function.

So only Ableton Live with Max for Live :frowning:

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nice lookin patch tho. clean…organized. :+1:t6:


this is excellent work… most tempted to upgrade ableton with M4L I’ve ever been!

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Haha I try :slight_smile: I have to or I’ll lose my mind. Even with it organized it’s madness sometimes to follow when I’m looking for issues.

I think part of making a solid working Max patch is have “some” cleaning and organizing. I colorize cables so they are easier to follow.
I try to add notes when there is some complex thing going on I might not understand down the road.

Big thanks :blush:

The upgrade is worth it without my patch if you’re a big Live user. I honestly mostly only use Ableton plugs and Max Devices (and a lot of hardware + Elektrons).
They sound great (Amazing Noises stuff especially) and feel “built in” which I like.

I’m about to try this! Thank you! I wonder if it’s possible to do something like this for iOS; don’t own a laptop! Thanks again!

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This is awesome, thanks very much for sharing it!

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Anything is possible but it would have to be a completely different application. Either a full fledged sequencer or potentially an add on to another one. Maybe as an AU? My IOS programming experience consists of making the “Hello World” compile.

You’re welcome :slight_smile: . I love my Elektrons (and Elektronauts) , so it only makes sense to share.

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You’re a super cool dude. There are a handful of people that would pay money for this- and that you’re just handing it out for free is mighty rad.

This is a brilliant device you’ve built and it surely must have required a lot of thought and effort to make. All of which I appreciate the heck out of.

Good work, man!


Awe thanks Ryan, you’re a cool dude too. Nice to see you again (well your llama and text) :slight_smile:

It took a lot of thought, time, and work for sure.

I like to help people and solve problems, but this also helps me.

I’m building tools I think are missing in my music making life. I’ll find out if it’s my calling and if it is, things will fall into place to let me do it more. If not, then it wasn’t for nothing because it’s out there helping someone.

Look for the helpers and you’ll find people who are helping (or something like that I heard).


This is super useful! I have Max 8.0.4 so I’m having the graphical problem as well.

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Where did you learn to do such a nice script? I have built a few midi CC controllers , but this far exceeds my knowledge. I’d love to learn from you!

Thanks for the confirmation!

I guess I should have waited to jump on using live.comment. It’s just much easier for adding text to a device.

Any reason not to update Max to the current version or just haven’t had the need to?

Mostly searching for solutions on the cycling74 forum. Then reading the help files for the objects that I learn about in the Max help documentation.

Also a little bit of examining other people’s patches and just experimenting with stuff until it works.

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@Airyck Holy crap, this is incredibly useful! It works very well; nearly perfect, really! After spending an hour or two messing with it, I am having about 95% success rate. I’ve gone over things many times now, making sure things were set correctly and procedures were followed. (At first they were not, despite my best efforts - I made a now obvious mistake - one that stumped me for longer than I care to admit! Be sure to note: DO NOT use leading zeros like the actual pattern names in the DT/DN have, meaning: don’t name clips H01, or B09; but rather H1 or B9. I screwed that up every damn time until I got used it to!

Anyway, after I figured that error out, I cleared the session, deleted and reloaded the M4L device, and proceeded to set up two 4 measure/64 step length clips representing patterns H1, H16, and the 14 in between. I selected each manually, inserted the play head in each region and used the arrow key, while visibly verifying acknowledgement that all 16 patterns were noted to have been added to the database, but still…nearly every playback, every once in a while a seemingly random change was missed. For some reason it’s seems to often be H2, lol…but really, it varies. I repeated several variations on the procedure, from new clips carefully positioned, swapped out the M4L device several times so it it was fresh, rebuilt from an empty session, etc., All the patterns were freshly set to 64 steps, set to change in intervals of 64 steps, and saved on the device before testing as well. I eventually went to 16 step patterns with 16 step change length to save a little time, but almost always a pattern or 2 didn’t change as intended, or change at all, really.

That said, this is wonderful and either works very near perfectly or it’s more user error on my part and it actually DOES work perfectly, haha :rofl:

I would like to offer whatever assistance I can to help you resolve that or any other future bugs, and/or track down what errors I’m making during setup, so if there’s anything I can do or be more specific about, please let me know! And thanks for the awesome tool!

EDIT: next time I sit down at it, I’ll create a new DT project as well, do a reboot, and load a blank session and see if I can reproduce anything regularly.