Elektron Overmix [ .. speculative ! ]

Here’s a product idea. Perhaps not as immediately exciting as the usual, but I dream of having an Elektron mixer - one with Overbridge built into it.

It would have 3 or 4 USB ports and you could plug Elektron Overbridge devices in over USB and individual tracks on each Elektron device could be assigned to a channel on the mixer.

Perhaps it could have something like 16 channels with your regular gain, EQ, Aux sends and faders. Not only would it have aux outputs/returns for using external effects, but having an insert available on each channel would be incredible.

Furthermore it would be awesome to see it have onboard effects too, specifically something a bit more varied than the usual chorus/delay/reverb that most Elektron boxes come with.

Finally, if it could somehow offer its own Overbridge connection to the DAW so that you could use it in studio and record channels from the Overmix into the daw (seeing as you’re not directly connecting the Elektron machines to the DAW).

Probably wishful thinking, but perhaps it triggers some ideas in Elektron HQ :slight_smile:


OTOB I feel would solve this in some way :wink:
An over bridge enabled octatrack that also acted as an OB host.
Yes plzzz

Roland TR8S = Elektron Analog Rytm mk2

Roland MX1 = Elektron ‘OverMixer’…which there’s been many a discussion about here in the past.

I have the 3 units above that do exist… and I like the MX-1 as a concept… but I’d really like to see an Elektron version that we can imagine.

Thing is… I bet if you looked at Roland’s MX-1 sales compared to the TR8S and MC707 they would be a vast distance behind, and there’s no reason to think the same thing wouldn’t apply with Elektron.

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I’m not sure about that at all. Every time I’ve seen someone who actually uses the MX-1 mention it, their praises have been glowing, and they often seem to have fairly complex live set setups. Additionally, the 1010 Blue Box and the new standalone MPCs can be seen as validations of the class-compliant USB digital mixer concept. I don’t have any insight into Roland’s sales, but music gear is a tough industry and Roland has been thriving for decades. I wouldn’t assume a fumble without data.

On the Elektron side, I’m very happy with my Mk2 Octatrack. Until today, I didn’t think the OT needs or would benefit from Overbridge. But turning the OT into the Overmix by allowing it to receive both class compliant and Overbridge USB over several USB ports could make a lot of sense for a Mk3.

On the business side: if you want to attract the attention and help of other professionals, it is extremely helpful to have a competitor like the MX-1. When asked about your competition, the worst answer is that there is no competition - that means you are probably too early or too late. A handful of competitors is a good sign. A room full of competitors is not great, but better than none.

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Actually, I much prefer Akai‘s bring your own class compliant audio interface solution, I wish Elektron came up with something similar.


There has been a lot of talk about something called the “first mover advantage”. Supposedly if you get to a new market first, you have a big advantage.

In consumer technology, this is often not the case. Elektron developed Overbridge when stereo class compliance was just becoming a thing. Elektron seemed far ahead of everyone else, and the lack of class compliance seemed a minor annoyance, particularly when the Virus TI also wasn’t class compliant.

Akai has the advantage of being late to market - USB class compliance is much deeper today than it was a decade ago.

Elektron’s first mover disadvantage is that they developed their own tech - Overbridge - which has since been superseded by an industry standard. An Overmix device would have to handle both class compliant audio and Overbridge, or risk alienating existing Elektron customers. Not a great position to be in, but that’s one of the risks of pushing new tech at the leading edge. (This line of thinking is probably why Roland waited until the two most recent Boutiques to switch to the USB-C interface. It is a safe bet today, it wasn’t when the Boutique line was first drawn up)

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Oh yes, it didn’t come across in my first comment but I do think the MX-1 is superb, and unlike anything else… it’s a true performance mixer, I love that about it.
I have my TR8S, MC707 and JDXA connected to it via USB, then use the analog channels for a variety of other gear… all of which can have Beat/Mix FX sequenced, filters, etc applied, as well as recallable mix scenes…,it’s powerful stuff. Even the output/mastering fx are pretty good… only downside I find is the overall sound quality, it’s a bit noisy.

If Elektron did one, with a similar USB hub for Elektron gear (for 4 devices), plus analog I/O’s for the rest, I’d find it hard to resist I think.

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I’m with you on this :grin: