Elektron @ Norbergfestival 2014

Nice times at Norbergfestival :smiley:

Cool beans! Looks like you guys had a wicked time :slight_smile:

Woow…always wanted to visit Norberg Festival…this wants me to visit even more. Elektronic music for President :wink:


I wanted so bad to go this year (incredible lineup!), but I had to work on friday and no, I could not have that day off :confused: Looks incredile for sure, and the prescence of all you nice elektron guys makes me even more pissed off that I couldn’t go… But next year… :smiley:

Yes very nice place to see and experiment with the gear. But the way from Germany to Sweden is far to long to attend.
I hope there will come a video with a longer Dataline/Cenk performance on this festival.

rytm snare haha, just noticed that

Damn, would have been awesome to meet you in person!

:sob: lots of fun and toys to play with…damn… (and the sun as well)

Damn, would have been awesome to meet you in person![/quote]

Right back at ya Cenk :slight_smile: But hey, I live in Norway so chances are that I’ll be attending some kind of event in Norway if Elektron wants to do a showcase/product demo on other festivals too (Hint: Insomnia is THE electronic festival of Norway…) :wink:

Was not even a little bit more pissed off when I arrived at work on friday and found my precence to be completely redundant :angry: