Elektron metal case

Hi guys, this is probably the wrong area for this thread, but since im using my A4 right now … this is where it will go. Anyways… A while ago there was a user on EU who made those sick metal dual elektron cases that folded and you could carry. He was out, but was going to do another run in nov/dec I think. Can someone tell me who that was, how to get in touch, or where to get them. Ive wanted one for a long time, then life got in the way and I completely forgot…

I would really appreciate it.

Watson EIT1


Thanks, I’d been looking for this too.

ahhhh thank you! I’ve been trying to find that link for awhile now!

the stupid thing is that I made this post quite a while ago, and they had stock, now they are out of stock again, I really cant win,

Holy damn that thing is awesome!

…now I need a MD to go with my OT!

Ohhhh yes it’s sweet… And worth the wait, if you get on the list for next batch!

Somebody famous is selling their black EIT1 over on muffs…

I can’t seem to find that posting on the muffs site… CS. You post a link? Thanks

The EIT is reeeallly nice but tooooooo expensive…too much (it costs half of my OT…!)


only thing holding me back from buying these is whether I’m going to need 2 or 1.

Both colours are really nice, but black of course looks super subtle/stealthy

There’s a small saving if you order two at once, anyone in the TORONTO area wanna split a pair? :slight_smile:

also if you’re gigging your boxes this is the best solution. Not a fan of wood accents on hardware nor am I a fan of shiny or translucent plastic because it ages so poorly so i’m a bit biased i guess.

Design wise, they suit the elektron boxes the best in comparison to the other options IMO.

Hi there. No intention to spam but it might help.

Another alternative fresh from today :


Expect 10 days before delivery.

Kind regards,


Always thought the angle of the top unit on those EITs seems too steep and would make my hands ache… But they look amazing.


love mine =)